
In 2013, Shane Dyck, a well-known bodybuilding icon, rugby player, and rowing champ, went through a near-fatal accident. The injuries were severe, affecting his spine and puncturing his lungs, leading doctors to believe he might never walk again. He bravely embarked on a journey of recovery, starting from scratch, and gradually relearning how to move.

But what got him through was physiotherapy among other treatments, and above all, mental strength. Shane recovered from the nightmare and was determined to do whatever it takes to get back up. Let’s see his story where he proves to humanity that anything is possible if you have willpower.

Shane Dyck shares his story of the resurrection?


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He?originally shared the story with Yoocan which is a global collaborative group where people with disabilities share their experiences and knowledge. Shane was a happy and healthy young man who had strong willpower. However, on August 27th, 2013, an accident decided to take everything away from him. Finally, when he gained consciousness from his comatose state, the bodybuilder realized that his worst nightmare became a reality.

He narrated, “I was paralyzed from the neck down, broke 28 bones, punctured both of my lungs, lost five liters of blood, lost 70 pounds of body weight, had my whole spine fused with four rods and 22 bolts running down each side of my spine, and was given less than a 1 percent chance to walk again.”?

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Everything seemed to be against him, his whole body was damaged, and the very thing that he needed to survive as a human, was battered to shreds. But living cannot stop even in impossibly hard times, can it? So Shane decided not to give up as long as he was breathing.


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Shane Dyck’s journey of courage and willpower

The rugby player and athlete explained how with baby steps, he started recovering. ?For the next week, I learned how to breathe again. They took the breathing tube out of my throat to see if I could take some breaths on my own. Thankfully my lungs healed up and after quite a few sessions of deep breathing, I could finally do it on my own,? he said.?

Through several nights of crying, depression, shame, and embarrassment, he fought like a true warrior and continued his physiotherapy with Kevin. From starting with only moving his toes to moving his entire muscular physique and posing on stage, this was an uphill battle for Shane. “I knew I?d get back on stage and it was a goal I?ve had since my accident. I?ve never stopped or given up no matter how bad the days were,” Dyck narrated.?


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His rigorous willpower and hard work paid off. No one can even guess what he went through by seeing his flawless physique now. Shane Dyck is an inspiration to all of us and he taught people that there is nothing, that one cannot achieve.?