
Despite the constant research and breakthroughs, some outdated or unproven approaches have become gospel in fitness. One such unverified method that’s gained significant ground is the concept of deloading after months of intense training. Many believe that performing a deload leads to strength and performance gains, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is here to tell you otherwise.

The 76-year-old took up the duty of myth buster when he started his newsletter in 2023. In the latest edition of Arnold’s Pump Club, the bodybuilding icon set his sights on this popular method. While deloading has its benefits of helping the body recover and giving time to those starting after a chronic injury, it doesn’t provide any strength benefits.

“Research suggests that deloads — planned time off designed to improve performance — do not make you stronger or help you build more muscle,” the FUBAR actor wrote in his newsletter. Scientists hypothesized that deloads may “resensitize” your muscle to grow if you’ve hit a plateau. However, they decided to test their theory when some started preaching the theory as fact.


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The study divided participants into two groups. “One trained for nine weeks without a break, while the other group took a week break in the middle of the program,” explained Arnold Schwarzenegger. The seven-time Mr. Olympia explained that taking a one-week deload didn’t improve muscle hypertrophy, power, or endurance, while strength took a hit.


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So Arnold Schwarzenegger terminated the myth in his verdict, labeling deloads as “an overrated way to improve” training performance. He admitted that taking a planned break helps athletes bounce back physically and mentally. They don’t do so with better performance. Instead, the bodybuilding icon recommended designing a workout program that would take proper rest and recovery into account. If you think that is too much to ask then Arnie has you covered.

Arnold Schwarzenegger provides all the resources you need for free

The Arnold Classic co-founder started 2023 with his free fitness newsletter Arnold’s Pump Club. Keeping the tradition alive, Arnie started 2024 with a gift for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. Get Back in Shape: Workouts for Everyone is a 115-page, free training guide that condenses The Austrian Oak’s 60 years of bodybuilding experience into one simple guide.


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Don’t know how to design a program? Do you have no clue about exercise selection, sets, reps, and rest periods? The comprehensive training guide is chocked-full of useful programs designed for beginners to get started. The e-book also contains programs that can be followed at home, without gym equipment. As you progress and your knowledge grows, so does the difficulty level of the programs provided.

This is why Arnold Schwarzenegger is on a crusade to educate people about fitness. The former Mr. Olympia hopes to dispel the myths and steer people towards better results.