
The fitness and bodybuilding community believes in honesty and hard work, but when one gym-goer decided to cheat his lunges behind his trainer’s back, he found himself facing criticism from bodybuilding fans. IFBB Pro coach Greg Doucette shared a hilarious clip on his Instagram, showing the sneaky move that didn’t sit well with fitness enthusiasts.

In the video, a guy is diligently doing lunges under the watchful eye of his trainer. But as soon as the trainer turns his back for a moment, the sneaky gym-goer decides to take a shortcut, walking normally instead of completing his lunges. And as if by magic, he’s back to doing lunges the moment the trainer turns back around.

The fitness community wasn’t having any of it. They quickly jumped on the cheating bandwagon, calling out the guy for his dishonesty. Doucette himself couldn’t resist adding a bit of humor to the situation, quipping, “Bro took ‘cheat reps’ too seriously.”


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The video, originally posted by a Russian video creator known as Deni Kraft, caught the attention of many with its clever editing and relatable content. Kraft is no stranger to sharing funny gym videos, and his Instagram feed is filled with similar clips that are sure to bring a smile to your face.


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But this particular video struck a chord with the fitness community, reminding them that cheating your reps is never the way to go. In a world where hard work and dedication are celebrated, taking shortcuts just doesn’t fly. As soon as the video went viral, fitness enthusiasts took to social media to share their reactions. From questioning the motives behind cheating to offering humorous interpretations.

Cheating might seem easy but leads to setbacks according to fans

Fans were quick to share their opinions, although a few asked why someone would cheat during their workout. One fan questioned, “Why would u cheat on yourself like that?” As fans emphasized cheating ultimately undermines their own progress and goals. Similarly, another remarked, “He’s only cheating himself,” which explains by not putting in the proper effort, they’re not achieving the full benefits of their workout.


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Moreover, another also shed light, saying, “Making your life easier today only makes it harder tomorrow.” The person highlighted the idea that taking shortcuts during exercise might seem convenient at the moment, but it will likely lead to greater challenges and setbacks in the future. “He’s not trying harder than last time,” one observed and pointed out that by cheating during exercise, the gym goer isn’t pushing themselves to improve or challenge their limits.

Another humorously acknowledged while disapproving: “I don’t say I approve this, all I am saying that I understand.” In addition, one user defended the gym-goer for his cheat rep, describing, “He’s trying to get some cardio in, superset.” So, the next time you’re tempted to cheat your way through a workout, remember the hilarious yet important lesson from this viral video: cheating won’t lead to greatness, especially in the gym.