
Joe Rogan has always given the fitness world a solid participation from his side. Besides his commentating skills, he has often talked about his fitness beliefs and how it has worked out for him. This time when he was talking to the actor and comedian, Kevin James, Rogan talked about his weight-loss diet.

The 56-year-old claimed to have tried a huge variety of diets and out of all there is one which keeps him lean and the reason is backed up by science. He revealed how following this particular diet would require ruling out all sorts of carbohydrate intake.

Joe Rogan’s diet does not let one want more food


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During his chat talk with the American actor and Comedian, Kevin James, Rogan got to know how the former finds it hard to maintain his fitness routines alone. In reply, Rogan also recommended how his special diet for weight loss might actually help James. He thus suggested, “One thing that you can try, that I guarantee will help you lose weight is the carnivore diet. Because if you do it, the one thing that you’re going to not eat is any carbohydrates.”

He further explained that consuming food through that diet would rule out bread, pasta, and all sugar. But he also gave a disclaimer, “I’m not saying this is a great diet, I’m not saying this is the way to live, I’m saying this is the best way for me to eat. I’ve done every other kind of diet, this one works the best for me and it’s the one that keeps me lean.” He explained that when one eats just protein, the body hits a satiety level and they would not want to eat any more food whatsoever.

Joe Rogan’s fascination with the Carnivore diet is not new. In fact, he often goes back to it whenever he feels the need to.

Joe Rogan feels amazing throughout the day when he is on a carnivore diet


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Rogan’s love for the Carnivore diet was revealed when he was all-praise for it and after he confessed to returning to this diet over and over again. He confessed, “I had this moment, I guess it was about two weeks ago where I was like, ‘You know what? The best I ever felt, like, literally the best I ever felt all throughout the day was when I was on a carnivore diet.”

He also suggested that eating like a carnivore helped made his brain work better than usual. “And one of the things that I saw like, immediately, for seven-eight days, I ate nothing but meat and eggs and fat and bacon and nothing else… And my brain was working so much better.”

READ MORE: Joe Rogan Receives Honest Words From UFC 281 Winner Alex Pereira for Constant Aid Over the Years


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While Rogan has put all his money on the carnivore diet, not everyone vouches for its efficiency. What do you think of the Carnivore diet? Do you think it is a good choice for weight loss, as guaranteed by Joe Rogan? Let us know in the comments below.

READ MORE: 55-Year-Old Joe Rogan Reveals Secret to His Fitness: Diet, Workout & Training Program