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The arguable GOAT of American football recently made the news after getting spotted with Irina Shayk on a dinner date. Although Brady or Shayk are yet to make it official, the dinner date?poured fuel into the flame?of the relationship rumor. However, in a recent video, exercise scientist Dr. Mike Israetel focused more on something?Tom Brady?relied on during each game: his fitness. In Mike Israetel’s latest video, the?bodybuilding?and exercise expert analyzed Brady’s?“in-season”?workout routine that kept Brady fit throughout the season.

Mike Israetel started the video series by picking apart training advice from celebrity trainers. In the past, he has critiqued the workout routines of stars like Mark Wahlberg, Gal Gadot, and more. This time he criticized the Tom Brady workout routine that Brady’s coach revealed in a Men’s Health video.

Mike Israetel’s brutal criticism of Tom Brady’s trainer


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In his previous videos, the competitive bodybuilder criticized celebrity trainers for their exercise selection and execution. However, in most cases, he also found redeeming qualities in the advice and training of the coaches and trainers. However, in the case of Tom Brady’s trainer for the last 15 years, Israetel had nothing good to say.

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The exercise scientist started to criticize various aspects of the video, from the exercise selection to the equipment selection. He took issue with claims that the banded warmups stimulated the nervous system. However, Israetel made some scathing remarks about his squatting cues that Alex Guerrero talked about in the video.

The TB12 co-founder said,?“Your knees never go over your toes,”?while explaining how to perform the banded squats Brady did. However, Israetel snapped, saying the cue is?a “pure unadulterated myth.”?The bodybuilder said,?“This is starting to sound like an insult video,”?to the former NFL quarterback’s long-time trainer. However, he couldn’t sit through it without being honest.

“I gotta be honest man… I didn’t want this to sound mean, but the guy just has no clue what’s going on,”?stated Dr. Mike Israetel. Yet this wasn’t the only advice the exercise scientist took issue with.

The exercise scientist had an issue with the entire program


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Israetel didn’t just criticize the exercise execution cues by Guerrero; he also had harsh words for every aspect of the program. Israetel criticized the exercise selection and the reliance on banded workouts. He also didn’t agree with the protocol of one set of each exercise performed until failure. According to the expert, scientific studies have shown that failure is detrimental to athletic performance.

Read More | ?Laying Down With a F**king Band All Around?: Despite Being a Fitness Crusader With His 4 AM Club, Mark Wahlberg?s Workout Gets Mocked by Sports Scientist

Mike Israetel might have also been so harsh on the “knees never go over the toes” statement, as in recent years, studies have shown knees moving slightly past the toes have no detrimental effects. In fact, doing so might be beneficial for the hips and lower back. Personalities like Ben Patrick have even made a career out of?preaching knees over toes?in the fitness industry.


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While Dr. Mike Israetel didn’t want to insult the long-time trainer, he also couldn’t give a free pass to the advice he didn’t agree with.