
The modern world comes with modern problems, however, most usually revolve around health concerns. In recent times, issues of being overweight and consumption of fat-loaded food items have surged, exposing many to severe lifestyle issues. Similarly, a couple from England was going through a similar fate, addicted to junk food takeaways and an unfit way of life.

However, with the right zeal and dedication, they were able to overturn the spiraling scenario into something worthwhile. Mark and Sarah Smith were stuck in their monotonous, unhealthy lifestyle until they decided to change, and ended up losing almost 100 lbs together.?

The extraordinary fitness journey of the English couple


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As per a publication by Manchester Evening News, the 39-year-old husband and his wife, Sarah, 44, shared how they took responsibility for their actions and transformed into superfit individuals giving couple goals. Yet, their journey was not as simple. After a concerning health update on Mark?s heart, Sarah took the initiative to turn things around.?

Besides their health, even the couple?s marriage was on a downhill spiral. Hence, the two signed up for Ultimate Performer Fitness gym in Manchester after their social media updates influenced Sarah. Speaking of his health issue, Mark shared, “I’d been really unfit for quite a long time, and a couple of years ago I had a vascular issue where the blood flow was restricted to the left-hand side of my body and my eye dropped on one side.??

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Even after being careful for some time after his treatment, he eventually got back to his usual unfit routine. They ordered takeaways every night multiple times after both got home from work. They waited for the food while sipping on bottles of wine. Their relationship also suffered over time. “We were arguing all the time. We weren’t active. It got to the point that Sarah said ‘right, we need to do something about this,? he added in the publication by Manchester Evening News.?

The ultimate change that was needed


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The couple had put on a lot of weight, and were quite unhappy from within, as per sources. Moreover, Sarah was still coping with her father?s loss and worried about her husband?s deteriorating health. “We were just existing. We were in this constant cycle of get up, go to work, get home, have a drink, and feel alright for a while, but then waking up and feeling sad,”?she revealed.?

via Imago

After a year-long journey with the fitness program, Mark lost a total of 56 lbs. Whereas Sarah went down 42 lbs of weight. The couple is now content and pleased with their lifestyle. “It has completely changed our lives and our relationship. It’s rescued it to a certain degree,” Sarah noted.?


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What did you think of the English couple’s great determination that helped them achieve an ideal transformation of their physique and life as well? Share with us in the comments.