
Arnold Schwarzenegger?served two terms as Governor of California, from 2003 to 2011. Despite stepping away from politics after 2011, the Hollywood action star and?bodybuilding?legend remains a prominent figure in the political sphere. Hence, it’s no surprise that Schwarzenegger is often asked to comment on pressing issues. However, in 2020, a comment about using masks during the pandemic landed Arnold in trouble.

During the online interview, the emotionally charged former governor said,?“Sc**w your freedom”?to anti-maskers. However, a few months ago,?the bodybuilding icon apologized?for his choice of words. The 76-year-old who helped hospitals by supplying them with crucial medical equipment during the pandemic said,?“I?m sorry for saying those words.”?However, lately, the bodybuilding icon has given an inspiring piece of advice to all Americans.

Arnold Schwarzenegger says teamwork is the recipe for success


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The Governator appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to commemorate his book release. While chatting with Kimmel, Schwarzenegger spoke about climate change. The 55-year-old talk show host said that, despite being a Republican, Schwarzenegger is taking action against climate change. Meanwhile, many others from his party, including former POTUS Donald Trump, have called it a hoax.

While many Republicans have denounced climate change, most Democrats have done the opposite. The 76-year-old fitness icon said,?“Today a lot of Republicans and a lot of politicians get stuck in the ideological corners.”?However, Schwarzenegger finds it?“totally ridiculous”?that most Republicans and Democrats put aside pressing issues because?“they just can’t get along.”

Since Arnold Schwarzenegger took many of his?“lessons from sports,”?he sees all public servants, despite their political ideology, as a team.?“You cannot win as a team if you don’t work together,”?said Arnie. The former California governor added,?“Americans have to work together. Democrats and Republicans have to work together. That is the bottom line.”?Schwarzenegger’s words drew massive applause from the crowd. However, Kimmel probed further.

Watch this story |?Here?s bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger?s exclusive training guide

The Governator’s response to a counter-argument


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Schwarzenegger told Kimmel his advice was based on what?“traditional Republicans”?thought. So Jimmy Kimmel provided a counter-argument to Arnie’s advice.?“At a certain point, the traditional Republican Party doesn’t exist anymore,”?said the 55-year-old. However, Schwarzenegger didn’t hesitate to respond. He claimed that leaders should?“inspire”?those values.

The 76-year-old said leaders need to encourage teamwork. He gave the example of lobbying for after-school programs. When Arnie visits Washington to lobby Congress to allocate funds for kids, both Democrats and Republicans approach him to provide their assurance. According to the former Mr. Oympia, this is how things should be.


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What did you think about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s advice? Do you agree with the bodybuilding icon? Write your thoughts in the comments.

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