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Apart from his recent Netflix releases, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been in news for his fitness newsletter. Notably, even at 75, fitness remains a top priority for Arnold. What sets him apart is his unwavering dedication to separating fact from fad in the ever-changing world of fitness. In his most recent newsletter, Schwarzenegger takes on the trend of non-diabetic individuals monitoring their blood glucose levels in pursuit of better health.

However, the seven-time Mr. Olympia highlighted a common misconception about the practice. According to the bodybuilding icon, timing is very important when measuring blood glucose levels, and many people are doing it wrong, per Arnold.

Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals when one shouldn’t measure blood glucose


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Understanding the relationship between food intake and blood glucose levels is of utmost importance. The timing of meals can significantly impact the outcomes. This is why individuals with diabetes often rely on Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) to effectively manage their blood sugar. Interestingly, the “wellness industry” has now introduced similar devices for non-diabetic individuals, resulting in a surge in popularity.

While the technology promises to make a person healthier and prevent unwanted weight loss, Arnie wanted his readers to make sure the “tech works are intended.” The superfit 75-year-old highlighted research that shows non-diabetic people measuring blood sugar after each meal “might be following very misleading information.” He provided two reasons mentioned in the research.

Firstly, “Blood sugar fluctuations after a meal are completely normal,” wrote the bodybuilding legend. According to the former Mr. Universe, even after eating healthy foods, blood glucose levels “likely change and increase.” For a non-diabetic, a rise or fall in blood sugar after a meal “doesn’t mean anything.”

Read More | “Nutrition Is Notorious for Finding a Villain”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Who Switched to a Vegan Diet After 50 Debunks a Surprising Dietary Misconception

Secondly, the GMC provided different results even for people who ate the same meal and controlled other factors. While Schwarzenegger didn’t discourage people from using the technology, he also advised those using it not to stress about having food that changes blood glucose. “If you did that, you might never eat fruit again,” Arnie explained in his newsletter. However, the former Mr. Olympia busted another myth in one of the sections of his newsletter.

Addressing a myth about another popular supplement


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Whether you get your caffeine from drinking coffee or through pre-workout supplements, it’s one of the most popular supplements for the average person. From promoting wakefulness and focus to providing an energy boost, coffee is essential for many people. However, people think drinking too much coffee can dehydrate a person. So how much is too much?

Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed coffee is diuretic, but it’s not dehydrating. Arnie referenced a study on caffeine. He wrote that people who intake 500 to 600 milligrams of caffeine and don’t drink enough water could get dehydrated. Hence, the 75-year-old advised people who drink a lot of coffee to stay hydrated.


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While technology can help us regulate our health, many fitness trends are often fads. Hence, Arnold Schwarzenegger always tries to stay on top with the help of science.

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