
The world of fitness and bodybuilding has never been free of controversies. When muscles flex and records break, people naturally question and doubt. Such was the case with the 525 lbs overhead presser, strongman Andrew Richard. When the popular IFBB pro bodybuilding coach Greg Doucette raised eyebrows regarding his “natty” status. But it wasn’t the skepticism that caused a stir—it was Richard’s zesty response that caught the world’s attention.

Recently, Richard posted a video on his Instagram account replying to Greg Doucette. With his profound experience in bodybuilding, Coach Greg Doucette uploaded a video titled ‘Andrew Richard Natty Or Not’ on his channel. While viewers easily understood the title, Doucette’s candid observations, and feedback deeply engrossed them.

Greg Doucette doubts over health and choices


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In the video, Doucette spoke about the notable transformation of Richard. He focused particularly on his substantial gain in body fat and pondering the health implications of such a significant change. He remarked, “there’s no way this guy does not have high blood pressure, no way this guy is not morbidly obese, his body fat is so high it’s endangering his health”

Coach Doucette also highlighted the broader picture: the pursuit of records and dream physiques. The chase for such achievements often comes at a cost, sometimes prompting individuals to resort to performance-enhancing drugs. Doucette’s statement, “while he’s chasing that gold it is going to feel worth it” does reflect a sentiment prevalent among many in the industry. It focuses on the addictive lure of chasing ‘the dream.’

Read More: After IFBB’s Recent Groundbreaking Update, Coach Greg Doucette Makes an Urgent Appeal: “Stop Getting Into the Extreme Amounts of Muscle”

But Andrew Richard, who has dedicated significant time and energy to his training and progression, didn’t sit quietly. Taking to his Instagram, the strongman fired back with a video response. And although the video might have been longer, it was his caption that succinctly summarized his feelings: “This guy is hard to listen to man.” Drawing attention from various corners of the fitness industry, this exchange shifted the spotlight onto a deeper debate.

A tale of two perspectives on fitness


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The back-and-forth between these two stalwarts of the fitness world serves as a reminder of the multifaceted nature of bodybuilding and strength sports. It’s not just about lifting weights and breaking records. It’s also about the narrative, as Doucette said, “I can tell you if you value your health and you value your life this ain’t it”. The choices made behind the scenes, and the transitions in one’s physical appearance and health.

The exchange between Doucette and Richard underscores the broader debate within the fitness community. On one hand, there’s the undeniable allure. Pushing the human body to its absolute limit, chasing records, and basking in the glory of unparalleled strength.


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On the other hand, there’s the question of health, longevity, and the possible ramifications of pursuing such goals. The Mass Monster’s staggering 525 lbs overhead press not only astonished many but also solidly rebutted the bodybuilding coach’s steroid speculations, emphasizing authenticity in strength sports.