
The God of Aesthetics, Frank Zane has repeatedly talked about the financial instability of bodybuilding as a sport. Time and again the bodybuilder has compared the winning prize and the monetary sacrifices that each bodybuilder usually makes to continue in their career.

Being one of the very few contestants who managed to defeat the great Arnold Schwarzenegger,  Zane also faced the same difficulties while he was bodybuilding. The bodybuilder recently talked about how he had to resort to another profession only because of the fact that his financial needs were not really met from the sport.

Frank Zane taught in city schools

In one of his interviews, Zane was asked to talk about how he dealt financially when bodybuilding wasn’t providing him much. He at once revealed how he had taken up a teacher’s position at city schools. He stated, “I wanted to come to California, and I got a job teaching in Los Angeles city schools.” Then the bodybuilder reflected on how necessary the job was back in the day to continue his bodybuilding dream.

He further declared that his role as a teacher helped him survive the whole journey he engaged in the sport. He commented, “And that enabled me to do it because there was really not a way to survive other than for me teaching and so I was able to do that and it worked out fine.”

The teaching profession helped Zane do something that many would not have dreamed about. Once, the God of Aesthetics was enlisted by Arnold Schwarzenegger to teach him math.

Frank Zane as a teacher

Not many know the fact that Zane was nicknamed The Chemist, because he used to teach Chemistry and science back in the day. However, he was most popular as a mathematics teacher. He once revealed, “I think it was 1964 to 65 I taught in Hamburg Pennsylvania… I taught in New Jersey I taught math and science then I taught for three years in Florida”. Back in those days, the bodybuilder moved to California after he beat Schwarzenegger.

READ MORE: 81-YO God of Aesthetics Reveals the “The Power of Minimal Training”

Schwarzenegger also once confessed how he planned to earn a college degree while pursuing bodybuilding. To do so he had to go through Algebra which he struggled the most with. He ended up enlisting Frank Zane as his Mathematics tutor and the world saw a whole different relationship between two bodybuilding rivals.

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