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The multifaceted legend, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has insights into many disciplines. From being a bodybuilder to a statesman, Arnie has walked the corridors of success with his drive for perfection and never-ending “hunger” to perfect himself. The philanthropist shared the ethos of bodybuilding with like-minded individuals through his newsletter. He took it upon himself to sift the wheat from the chaff by providing uncluttered information to the fitness community. Furthermore, he also shares untold personal experiences, inspiring stories, and movie trivia. It is a complete package for any bodybuilding fan. Now the icon has come up with some interesting nutritional tips. 

Earlier, the Austrian Oak discussed the importance of a “sustainable” approach to dieting. While the world grapples with calorie counting, the Terminator suggests following the easier path.

Arnold Schwarzenegger focuses on sustainability in diet


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Many fitness enthusiasts count their calories to either increase weight or get shredded. The practice has become almost a norm, with macros and micros taking up mental space and time. However, Schwarzenegger asks his readers to make the mirror their best friend. As it rarely lies! One would get to know if the diet is working or not. In the Q&A session of Arnold’s Pump Club Newsletter, an anxious fan questioned if it were possible to get lean and put on muscles together. They further inquired how the 7x Mr. Olympia goes about his diet based on “feels” without calorie counting.

The Austrian Oak said, “First, I have always done it by feel. I know roughly what to eat because I have done it before. And I can also see in the mirror. If I’ve dialed back how much I am eating a little bit, but I look in the mirror after a couple of weeks and realize I am not getting any leaner. I can turn the dial back even more.” Furthermore, the legend advises netizens to focus on adaptability. He added, “I have done it for 60 years. That’s as sustainable as it gets.”

Read More: 5 Days After His Birthday, Arnold Schwarzenegger Pays Heartfelt Tribute to 26 Year Younger Mr. Olympia Champ on His 50th Birthday: “Best to Ever Set Foot on a Bodybuilding Stage”

Schwarzenegger also shared his indignation at the trend of bulking and cutting. “I think the bodybuilding world was infected with this stupid idea that you do giant bulks and giant cuts. It’s insane. Some of these guys I have heard get to 400 lbs in the off-season and then cut to 300 to be on stage. That’s obviously extreme. You can’t. It is absurd,” added the flabbergasted bodybuilding icon. Additionally, to drive the point home, Arnie gave an example of his prime days.

He said, “Even when I competed, my off-season was 220-225. In the three months before the show, I added muscle and got 240 to 245.” To sum up, the insightful governor is nudging people to “build a system” that can be followed for a lifetime. Hearing these words, one wonders what Schwarzenegger ate to lift the Mr. Olympia trophy seven times. 


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The diet of the Austrian Oak made him battle ready

As with most bodybuilders, the diet was protein intensive. For breakfast, the czar of bodybuilding ate three scrambled eggs, oatmeal, some milk, and OJ. Moreover, Arnie supplemented his meal with a mid-morning snack of nuts and fruits. Come lunch, Schwarzenegger ate a simple sandwich with chicken breast, fruit, and milk. Most of his food is low-fat. Furthermore, post-workout, he consumed a protein drink, three cheese slices, and a banana. Schwarzenegger also swears by drinking water to flush out his toxins.


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The last meal, dinner, consisted of “8 oz lean-cut grilled beef, one large baked potato, one large salad with mixed greens and vegetables, one tbsp salad dressing, one cup of mixed cooked vegetables, and water.” After this, he also had a cup of milk at night. The balanced approach has worked wonders for the Austrian Oak. He could maintain his physique with nutrient-dense meals. His smart habits have helped Schwarzenegger lead a very active life at age 76. Are you also following a sustainable approach to diet like Arnie? Let us know in the comments.

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