
Recently, a tragic incident happened in the world of fitness and bodybuilding, where a 33-year-old Bodybuilder Justyn Vicky died during an intense workout session. The same heart-wrenching incident happened to a mother of 4, She died during her exercise in the gym.

According to the media reports, In a devastating incident at an LA Fitness gym in Kent, Washington, a mother of four lost her life after falling off a treadmill. Delrie Rosario, 36, was jogging on the treadmill alongside her sister, Marissa Woods.

Delrie Rosario died due to a lack of immediate medical assistance


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Woods recalled the terrifying moment. “She tried to slow the machine down. I thought maybe she just missed a step. She just collapsed, and hit her head on the machine”. The impact caused Rosario to lose consciousness, and she tragically fell off the treadmill.
In the midst of panic, Woods frantically sought help from those around her. She called out for anyone who knew CPR, desperately hoping to save her sister’s life. There were people in the gym who quickly sprinted to offer assistance, but Woods noted that the gym employees appeared to be in shock, not taking immediate action to help.
“I was screaming, you know, ‘anybody, just please help! Anybody know how to do CPR?” Woods recalled. The absence of immediate aid from the gym’s staff added to the trauma of the situation.
Sadly, despite the efforts of those present, Rosario was rushed to a local hospital but could not be saved. The news of her passing reverberated through the community, leaving loved ones in grief and disbelief.


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Bodybuilder Justyn Vicky passed away during a heavy squat

Indonesian bodybuilder Justyn Vicky attempted a heavy squat with an impressive 462.97 lbs on the barbell. The incident took place at The Paradise Bali, a fitness gym based in Sanur on 15th July. According to a report by Bali Discovery, “Vicky failed to complete the lift and fell forward, cascading the weight bar off his shoulders and snapping his neck and head forward.” The force of the weight broke his neck and compressed the nerves connecting to his heart and respiratory systems.

This heart-wrenching incident serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of immediate assistance in emergencies. It also highlights the need for proper training and preparedness among gym staff to handle such critical situations. The tragedy has sparked discussions about how fitness facilities can improve their emergency response protocols to ensure the safety and well-being of their members.


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Spread awareness about CPR and prioritize safety in fitness facilities. Being prepared for emergencies can make all the difference in saving a life and preserving the well-being of those who seek better health and wellness through exercise.

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