
Being from a small village in Austria, Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger has seen some really tough times in his childhood years. While he surely has all the luxury that one can imagine at the moment, growing up, the Schwarzenegger family lacked even the most necessities that a human needs. However, he pushed past the hard times and created a lasting legacy for himself with his bodybuilding as well as his Hollywood ventures.

Recently, he made a statement on the Howard Stern Show about the importance of getting comfortable with discomfort. As his words were taken out of context by many, he explained his point further in the latest edition of his daily newsletter, ‘Arnold’s Pump Club.’

Arnold Schwarzenegger seems worried about humanity 


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Being born just after World War 2, ‘The Austrian Oak’ faced many challenges in his life. Due to this, he understands the importance of embracing toughness and discomfort. He suggested on the Howard Stern Show, “Don’t start creating a generation of wimps and weak people.” Explaining further about the same, Schwarzenegger pointed out in his daily newsletter that it’s not just the new generation he was talking about; it’s also the older ones that are becoming way too comfortable. “I’m also worried about my generation. Boomers whine on social media as much as Gen Z,” he stated.

Arnold continued by saying, “I’m worried about humanity. When I try to analyze anything, I always ask what changed.” He further added that we currently live in the least violent and prosperous time. However, this has led to people becoming too soft. They hesitate to work outside their comfort zones. “I think all that comfort has caused people to fear discomfort more than ever,” Schwarzenegger added.

Read More: “You Guys FU**Ed Me and Robbed Me Blind”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Explains How His $250 Million Minting “Risk” Pissed off a Top Producer

Schwarzenegger further motivated the people by giving an exciting gym analogy. Let’s take a look at what it is.

Schwarzenegger provides a solution to the issue


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‘The Austrian Oak’ tries to help his readers and fans through his daily newsletter. He regularly posts content for their help and benefit. As most of his viewers are associated with the fitness and bodybuilding spheres, he gave a gym-related analogy to better explain his point. “Just like the muscle grows when we push past the pain barrier, our minds grow when we struggle,” Arnold wrote.

Providing a solution for this, Schwarzenegger mentioned a small activity that can help one get out of their comfort zone. He suggests taking one step at a time. “I just want you to avoid seeking the comfortable option a little bit at a time. Comfort has become our default, and I would never go back to an earlier era. You think I want to live in a house with no plumbing again? Come on!”


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What are your views on Schwarzenegger’s take on the changing times? Let us know in the comments.

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