
The power of manifestation and passion often overpowers the barrier of age when it comes to embarking on a fitness journey. Well, the story of the 77 YO Granny is a standing testament to it. She found herself at the doctor’s office seven years ago, when her health started rapidly deteriorating. 

She was out on multiple medications at the age of 70 and was told that she would have to increase the dosage if she did not bring about a change in her lifestyle. It was then that she decided that she did not want to live a life like her mom, and took up fitness as her only goal in life, and now, she can deadlift 175 lbs. However, the journey was not easy for her.

Joan MacDonald gives motivation through her painful past 


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Joan MacDonald recently revealed in one of her interviews with the Women’s Health Magazines about what brought her to the fitness world and what keeps her motivated. Well, for Granny, it was definitely seeing her mother struggling to breathe after climbing a flight of stairs, and not to forget her inspiration: Michelle, a fitness coach.

Michelle managed to hit her point, as she says, “Michelle just told me point-blank, ‘You don’t have to get old as everyone else does’”. To add to that, her daughter could not give her time for recovery, and she did not want to get stuck in a nursing home like her mom, and thus she decided to do what she thought was best.

Read More: “Fitness Doesn’t Discriminate by Age”: Bodybuilder Granny in Her 70s Stuns the World With Her Unbelievable Fitness


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She started printing out workouts which Michelle gave out and then started streaming YouTube workout videos on her iPad. She struggled, but she did not give up, and that is her message to the world. MacDonald said, “My acid reflux was horrible. I was choking all the time. I felt just awful. I could have stopped right then, but I didn’t. I wanted something better.”

Joan MacDonald’s journey to recovery

She embarked on her fitness journey after having a realization in December 2016, but in 2018, Joan MacDonald managed to get off her medications and joined a local gym. She received a lot of compliments on her physique at the gym and she herself felt the strongest, as she was now approaching 80.


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She said, “I think a lot of people don’t want to start because they’re afraid they’re going to be under the microscope. But, truly, everyone is too worried about their own agenda.” What are your thoughts about Joan MacDonald? Share with us in the comments section below.

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