
Recently, exercise scientist Dr. Mike Israetel critiqued the famous retired wrestler Hulk Hogan. Standing at an impressive 6’7″ with a magnetic personality, Hogan was a central figure in the wrestling boom of the 1980s. Dr. Israetel, however, showcased an old video of Hogan, analyzing his training regimen, diet, and even his ster**d use.

The fitness expert took to his YouTube channel and posted a video titled, “Exercise Scientist Critiques Hulk Hogan’s Training and Diet.” During the video, the 40-year-old shared an ad for Hogan, in which a little kid admired Hogan’s physique and wished to have one like his.

In the snippet, “How can I get Muscles like Hogan,” the kid said. To which the exercise scientist bluntly replied, “Ster**ds! F**k it kid, I’ll just tell you the answer- it’s ster**ds.” He continued explaining “Kid Welcome to the real world,” he said. Moreover, Dr. Mike Israetel had some more humorous things to say about Hulk Hogan’s fitness routine.


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Throughout the video, he made fun of Hogan’s unusual ideas about training and diet. In the video, Israetel pointed out that Hogan spoke against abusing ster**ds, the exercise scientist called him an “intelligent ster**d user.” He was surprised when Hogan revealed he was overweight during his childhood, and showed a picture, instead of looking overweight he looked taller than other kids.

Israetel criticized his pull-ups behind his neck as not the best way to work out. He laughed about how Hogan’s workout videos sometimes looked funny or didn’t make much sense. Though there were some good techniques to his workout according to the exercise scientist, the 24-inch arms were more likely a result of Hogan’s generally larger 6’7″ frame. However, Dr. Mike Israetel did agree while looking at his training clips that Hulk Hogan was a strong individual despite the issues with the ster**ds. But then Dr.Mike was back to criticizing Hulk Hogan once again.


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When it came to food, Israetel wasn’t convinced by Hogan’s diet advice either. Hogan said he would eat a lot of fried eggs and butter, which Israetel found unusual because it didn’t sound very healthy. In an old video, he advocated for regular calorie intake to enhance performance.

Dr. Mike Israetel stressed eating carbs regularly

Dr. Mike Israetel believes in eating carbs regularly throughout the day to boost performance, strength, and muscle growth. He says keeping muscle glycogen levels high with consistent carb intake is key for fueling workouts and helping muscles recover. Dr. Israetel thinks it’s more important to meet a daily carb goal, like 400 grams, than to worry about timing them perfectly around workouts.


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He even suggests that eating a lot of carbs in one meal, like a big sushi dinner late at night, can still help muscles recover and improve how well you perform and grow. This idea goes against traditional thinking on when to eat carbs, causing a debate among fitness experts about the best way to eat for athletic success.

He showed how Hogan’s ideas about exercise and food differed from what experts recommend today. Even though Israetel made fun of Hogan a bit, he also gave some good tips about how to work out and eat right. What’s your opinion about Dr. Mike Israetels’s advice let us know in the comments below.