
The renowned sports commentator Stephen A. Smith revealed a deeply personal fitness transformation. On his YouTube channel, Smith recently offered a glimpse into his inspiring fitness journey. He compared a picture from his past to his current physique, revealing a remarkable transformation.

During the podcast he revealed that a year prior, Smith found himself at a daunting 208 pounds with nearly 30% body fat, coupled with a cholesterol level exceeding 300. His health was further compromised by a harrowing encounter with COVID-19, which brought him perilously close to death’s door. However, Stephen A. Smith decided to take matters into his own hands.

Stephen A. Smith’s inspiring tale from struggling with a belly to embracing fitness


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At the beginning of the video, he shared a picture of his unfit body and stated, “That was me a year ago, ladies and gentlemen.” “I can’t even tell you how bad I was,” said the commentator. Yet, fast-forwarding to the present, Smith exuded confidence and vitality. “Times have changed,” he proclaimed. “I feel lovely. I think I look lovely,” asserted Smith, while showing off his current look.

For Stephen A. Smith, this transformation transcended mere physical appearance; it represented a profound shift toward reclaiming his health and vitality. He emphasized, “The number one mission is health. There is no wealth in any category without good health.” Smith’s show, he declared, is now dedicated to aiding everyone in their journey towards self-improvement.

At the heart of Smith’s transformation lay his collaboration with Gary Brecka, the co-founder of 10x Health System. Brecka’s expertise and insights played a pivotal role in guiding Smith through a comprehensive health assessment. Together, they identified markers of metabolic syndrome lurking beneath the surface – a precursor to cardiovascular disease.

The importance of knowing the difference between ‘being alive’ and ‘living’

Brecka’s approach went beyond conventional symptom management; he delved into the underlying causes of Stephen A. Smith’s health challenges. “We are very good at symptom maintenance. We are very good at disease management,” Brecka explained. Brecka underscored the necessitates addressing deficiencies in the body’s essential raw materials.

Smith’s journey underscored the significance of proactive health management. He challenged the prevailing notion of blindly entrusting traditional healthcare systems and encouraged individuals to prioritize understanding their bodies. Brecka echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the need for data-driven insights into personal health.


Confronting his health struggles, Stephen A. Smith came to recognize the “difference between being alive and living.” He embraced the journey towards optimal health, rekindling his vitality and zest for life. Brecka’s guidance empowered him to transcend the constraints of age and reclaim his vibrancy.

As depicted in Smith and Brecka’s narrative, transformation is within reach for anyone willing to prioritize their health. It is a journey marked by self-discovery, resilience, and ultimate triumph. Smith’s story serves as a beacon of hope for all those striving to live their best lives, reminding us that with dedication and support, anything is achievable. However, they further explored this topic by comparing vastly different subjects, like botany and the human body.

Botany-human body comparison played a pivotal role in Smith’s transformation

Stephen A. Smith and Brecka’s exploration sheds light on a fundamental truth often overlooked in our understanding of health and wellness. Reflecting on personal experiences during graduate school, Brecka’s narrative unfolds to reveal a profound analogy between plant botany and human biology.

The anecdote begins with a reluctant foray into plant botany courses, amidst a pursuit of a second degree in human biology. Despite initial aversion, a pivotal moment arises when confronted with a decaying leaf on a palm tree. The intervention of a true arborist, a seasoned botanist, unveils a paradigm-shifting perspective.

Rather than fixating on the ailing leaf, Brecka explained that the arborist discerns a deeper issue lying within the soil—a deficiency of nitrogen, essential for the leaf’s sustenance. Through soil testing and targeted intervention, the leaf undergoes a miraculous transformation, embodying the innate resilience of nature.

Brecka’s argument for reevaluating the approach to healthcare. In a world inundated with medical complexities, the duo advocates for a return to basics—a profound understanding of the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. Central to their discourse is the role of genetic testing, particularly genetic methylation tests, as a cornerstone of personalized healthcare. By deciphering the body’s unique genetic makeup, individuals gain invaluable insights into their nutritional needs and metabolic predispositions.

Stephen A. Smith urges not to delve into short-term fixes


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Furthermore, armed with this knowledge, supplementation transcends mere conjecture, evolving into a targeted strategy aimed at addressing specific deficiencies. Gone are the days of indiscriminate pill-popping and uninformed experimentation.  Yet, amidst the promise of genetic enlightenment, Smith and Brecka caution against falling prey to the allure of quick fixes and social media trends.

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Their argument lies in recognizing the inherent variability of human biology. Just as soil composition dictates a plant’s nutritional uptake, genetic makeup dictates the body’s response to nutrients.  Smith and Brecka’s discourse is a poignant reminder of the symbiotic relationship between human beings and nature. By embracing the principles of personalized healthcare and genetic enlightenment, we embark on a transformative journey towards holistic wellness, guided by the wisdom of nature itself.


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Nonetheless,  Stephen A. Smith’s transformation is inspiring and hopeful for anyone struggling with their health. His journey from adversity to vitality underscores the transformative power of prioritizing wellness.  As Smith and Brecka advocate, it’s time to challenge the status quo, take control of our health, and embrace a holistic approach to well-being. By empowering ourselves with knowledge and making proactive choices, we can embark on our own journey toward vitality and fulfillment.

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