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via Imago

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the name that’s synonymous with the sport of bodybuilding spearheaded it’s progress in the 70s. Over the decades, despite becoming a Hollywood icon and politician, Arie never lost touch with bodybuilding. Over the years, the Arnold Classic founder not only promoted the sport, but fitness in general. The 76-year-old fitness newsletter has amassed 550,000 subscribers in less than a year. Recently, the bodybuilding icon provided a game-changing fitness hack for his readers.

The seven-time Mr. Olympia wrote the benefits of 20-minute exercise sessions, supported by the latest research. However, Mark Wahlberg’s interview debuted hours after Arnie published his newsletter. The Hollywood star and fitness freak spoke about an even more streamlined option.

Mark Wahlberg further cuts down the minimum exercise session duration


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In Arnold’s Pump Club, the five-time Mr. Universe wrote about a study on 15,000 participants. The study analyzed data from three exercises, the chest press, lat pulldown, and leg press. Scientists found that people working on these movements for just twenty minutes showed a significant strength increase.

Researchers?“found that strength increased from 30 to 50 percent over the first two years of training,”?wrote Arnie. The 76-year-old fitness icon further elaborated on how many sets of each exercise would be most effective.?“Other research suggests that performing approximately 4 to 6 sets per muscle group per week is enough,”?he wrote.

However, Wahlberg gave advice that’s even easier to follow. The actor cut down the minimum time from twenty to ten minutes. Encouraging everyone to workout regularly, Walhberg said, “You’re going to feel better,”?by working out just ten minutes each day.?“You want to live as long as possible. You want to be able to move, and certainly, you got to do it,”?Wahlberg told People magazine. The Austrian Oak and Marky Mark also agree on another aspect of working out.

Watch this story | From Ronnie Coleman to Jay Cutler: Bodybuilding Legends Show Up at Arnold Classic 2022 in Absence of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mark Wahlberg want you to focus on one thing


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Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mark Wahlberg focused on aesthetics and lifting heavy in their youth. While Wahlberg strived to set new personal records, Arnie was among the powerlifting pioneers who deadlifted 710 lbs. However, for general fitness, longevity is crucial. Hence, the 76-year-old and the 52-year-old actors have repeatedly spoken about longevity.

Both Hollywood icons have told people looking to improve their fitness and quality of life to approach fitness with a different lens. Instead of focusing on maxing out on every lift and spending hours in the gym, they’ve advised people to be consistent. Schwarzenegger has also provided many other easy-to-follow lifestyle tweaks that considerably improve fitness.


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While Arnold Schwarzenegger showed the results of working out for just twenty minutes, Mark Wahlberg told people to work out for at least ten minutes. However, in the end, both icons hope to see everyone get fitter and live healthier.

Read More | Despite Not Having Spent a Dime, Arnold Schwarzenegger?s 550,000-Member ?Village? Overflows With Astonishing Results