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In a quest to live a long and healthy life, sometimes the simplest tests can tell us a lot. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former iconic bodybuilder turned actor turned politician has recently shed light on a simple yet important test for those in their 50s: a 10-second one-foot balance test in his newsletter.

About 20 percent of people over 50 can’t stand on one foot for 10 seconds without help. This might not seem like a big deal, but many studies say your muscles can decide how healthy you’ll be and how long you’ll live. 

Arnold’s guide to staying fit for life


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Arnie is known for his dedication to staying fit and healthy. He revealed that if you can’t stand on one foot for 10 seconds, it could mean you might not live the next ten years. Studies show that how well you can perform physical activities is connected to your overall health. This shows how even small signs are important, can affect your health, and that it is important to take care of our bodies.

Many studies show that there is a strong link between strength, muscle health, mobility, and living longer. This emphasizes how important it is to keep our bodies strong and mobile as we get older. This highlights how basic exercises like walking can make a big difference in how long and well we live, especially in preventing falls as we get older.

Preventing accidents is also important, especially for the elderly, because it can be life or death. About 36 million falls happen among older people, and over 32,000 of them end up dead. This report shows how crucial it is to stay strong, balanced, and mobile as we get older. Arnie gives a reminder to everyone to pay attention to even minor physical challenges and take steps to stay healthy. In addition to physical well-being, the Terminator also addressed the rising level of stress. 

Arnie’s insights on positive thinking


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The Terminator talks about a study that found repeating a positive phrase helps people overcome any challenge. After 20 seconds, the participants felt more positive and calm. He emphasized having the right mindset is crucial during tough times; stress can’t be avoided and is a part of life. Arnie believes that stress can be conquered by building resilience.

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Arnie highlights the importance of building resilience and toughness to go through tough times. He says if you don’t believe in mantras, changing how you think during tough times can help you stay strong and can give you a new way of looking at things. Lastly, he wants everyone to understand that stress is normal, but by focusing on resilience, you can even face hard times head-on.


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Schwarzenegger’s advice is really helpful for living a long, healthy, and tough life. He also stresses the importance of mobility and flexibility in old age to prevent accidents. He also talked about how having a positive mindset during hard times and building resilient power can help us deal with stress.

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