
The image of 7-time Mr. Olympia champion and bodybuilding legend, Arnold Schwarzenegger, that often springs to mind is that of a Herculean figure, dominating the big screen and then politics. Yet, behind this mammoth persona lies a deeply emotional and introspective individual who recently bared an intimate chapter in his life.

In the midst of promoting his recent book, inspired by the simplistic advice he received from his father, Schwarzenegger shared an insight that humanizes both him and his father. Arnold Schwarzenegger reflected on the hardships and problems that his father faced.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Forced into a tumultuous era


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This old custom from Europe’s early 20th-century history shows a world very different from ours. “I have fond memories of my dad, and I don’t blame him for anything, simply because he did not know any better. He was beaten when he was a kid. It was just a tradition,” Arnold confided. People thought it was okay to use physical punishment as a way to discipline and employed it to inculcate values and discipline in younger generations. It wasn’t borne out of malevolence, but from a belief that it was the right way.

And then, Schwarzenegger drops the heart-wrenching truth, “He was forced into World War II, and was misled. He was growing up in an area where life was the way it was.”

Read More: Despite Many Bodybuilder’s Favorite, Arnold Schwarzenegger Discarded Popular Method of Tanning Once: “A Tan That Su*ked”

World War II, one of the most significant events of the 20th century, cast a long shadow. It also affected millions of lives, rewriting destinies, and shaping worldviews. The stories from that era are often ones of forced heroism and, at times, unwilling participants. Arnold’s father was one such cog in the war machine, ensnared by the tidal wave of the times. This tale, like many others of the time, bridges the gap between global events and personal tales.

Interconnected histories: personal and global


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While the world has seen the aftermath of World War II in terms of international politics and geo-strategic maneuvering, families experienced their microcosmic aftershocks, memories of which lingered for generations.

Schwarzenegger’s admission is poignant, and it nudges us to reflect on the interconnectedness of personal histories and global events. His father didn’t voluntarily march into battle with passion or conviction. It was a byproduct of being born in a particular place at a particularly tumultuous time.


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By candidly discussing his father’s past, Schwarzenegger is doing more than just offering a family anecdote. He’s shedding light on the thousands of others who shared a similar fate – individuals coerced into participating in a war they might not have understood or believed in.