
Bodybuilding?has always been a sport that has gained popularity through fans’ adoration of bodybuilders on the stage, and further wanting to be like them. Sculpting a magnificent body against all odds is a mighty difficult goal to undertake. However, this well-intended journey often becomes a matter of ridicule to certain sections of society who are far excluded from it.

YouTuber Sean Nalewanyj conjectures a viral video that ill-talks about going to the gym and attacks every bodybuilder. Sean ventures to defend his arguments slowly and with wit and logic.

Sean Nalewanyj gives a YouTuber a reality check


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In a recent YouTube short posted by Sean Nalewanyj, he criticizes a viral video, and addresses the guy in the video as Salt Bae’s alleged “13-year-old nephew”. The latter pronounces some questionable judgments against gym-goers.

To reply to that, Sean agrees that he is not 100% wrong. However, he continues to propose a better explanation. He says, “You probably don’t want to be the guy whose entire identity revolves around the gym.”

But he instantly points out that going to the extreme opposite end and focusing on money only is not the right answer either.

Nalewanyj further speculated, “Some pretty serious delusions about what money is actually gonna do for you in the real world.”?As the “nephew” calls out the people who go to the gym and believes his body frame is toned enough, Sean’s disappointed look can be captured right away.

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The guy in the video steals the show by saying that he can pull girls with his money over the gym-going entities who work on themselves day and night. This particular comment made the viewers jeer at him severely.

Fans react hysterically to the viral video

One of the viewers said, “Your faces were priceless lol. Dude is in for a rude awakening. Have mercy on him, he needs more protein lol.”

While a few others caught on to his apparent girl-picking ability and started joking about it. One says, “That guy wouldn’t take anything other than an a** whooping and public humiliation“.

Another remarked, “Th1e one time i was confident my girl wouldn?t chose someone over me”.


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Yet another girl talks about her own preferences. “As a girl, I don’t want a guy body-obsessed, but I’d not want a guy who has no respect for his frame either. “

However, a bodybuilding fan defended the sport by saying, “There?s an art and sacrifice to building muscle. It?s a nobler gain than finances and women because it revolves around physical determination”.


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Bodybuilding, indeed, is an art and a revered sport. People choose it voluntarily and do not follow trends. Hitting the gym and staying fit is a lifestyle choice that varies from person to person. When someone makes fun of this choice, fans usually do not accept the judgment. This time around, it was no exception either. Both Sean and the fans understood the gravity behind bodybuilding and forsook the viral video.

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