
Former Navy Seal-turned-ultra-endurance athlete, David Goggins always manages to push his boundaries when it comes to fitness. This is one of the many reasons why he is idolized by millions of people in the fitness community. His unaltered discipline and unwavering passion to stay fit sets him apart.

He uses his social media platforms to motivate people through a series of videos that go for a minute. However, time and again he has been criticized for uploading staged videos. And now his wife has finally taken things into her own hands and shared what it is like to live with Goggins.

A day in the life of David Goggins


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David Goggins recently took to his official Instagram account and shared a video that was recorded by his wife of him running in the middle of the night. In the video, she shared her feelings for his hard work, and through the caption, she conveyed how it felt to be living with the toughest man alive. She began by stating how she finds it funny when people call his one-minute videos staged.

She further states that she herself has logged thousands of miles with him and filmed the videos while on foot. She confirms that all of the videos are legit and that they are just a snippet of how his day begins. Pointing at the video, she writes that it was taken while she was crewing him on a 100-mile ruck.

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She concludes the post by stating that David Goggins is among those people who are just not meant to be understood. She wrote, He is one-of-one and I am grateful for the opportunity to grow and get better every day just by being in his presence.” Well, there is no doubt that Goggins had unbeatable strength and his purpose to have an online presence is only to record himself and motivate people to attain their physical best, but not at the price of their mental peace.

David Goggins gives a brutal reality check to motivate people to stay fit

In one of his videos, David Goggins shared a video with a long caption, in which he charged up and put his point across. He said, “When you are training and your mind is all jacked up, all you are is bigger, faster, stronger quitter”. He highlighted the importance of the brain and stated that no matter how hard someone trains, as long as their mind is not in the right place, nothing is at all worth it.


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He adds, “We all wanna be loved, cared for, appreciated, all that. And when we are not, it becomes a poison in our f**king minds. It starts to affect us like a (hesitates) damn cancer”. Goggins is always in the quest to push people the extra mile, however, this time he wanted to make sure that no matter what their mental stability is always in place. Without peace, any human being can cripple down completely. What are your thoughts on David Goggins? Share with us in the comments section below!