
As soon-to-be-father Chris Bumstead slowly looks to transition into a new life, he has now talked about dealing with his mental health before he takes responsibility for his baby girl. The bodybuilder recently had a therapist staying over and what she disclosed really satisfied Bumstead and made him more aware of one’s subconscious mind.

The winner of 5 Mr. Olympia in Classic Physique titles explained how he already has a bad shoulder. However, hiding his injury and pain, he said, is almost like how people suppress their emotions. Following the bold yet sad statement, the bodybuilder went on to speak about his experience with a therapist living and observing his life from a closer and natural environment.

Chris Bumstead talked about how he could not hide his subconscious mind


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While shooting maternity photos for Courtney, Chris Bumstead and his wife had their photographer friend Carly and Jordan, a therapist over. “Jordan a therapist, kind of a friend now too, it’s more of a life coach I would say she’s helped me with bodybuilding and competing,” Bumstead revealed adding how Jordan had stayed with them for about 4 days.

Bumstead also claimed that she talked about how he was not able to hide his subconscious patterns, which include his habits of mild, people-pleasing, and instant reactions. He also said, “Subtle things that you wouldn’t even think about, and having a therapist there then you go into a session they’re like so I see you do this this this this and this and I mean normally past life I’d be like f**k, like feel weird about that.” But the bodybuilder explained how glad he was to have her stay with them and analyze his little habits.

While Courtney King is getting her maternity shoots done, Chris Bumstead has also been preparing for the upcoming baby’s upbringing.

Chris Bumstead plans on giving his baby some space


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In one of his videos, Bumstead revealed how he plans to give his baby some space in order to let her become more self-reliant. He believes that if babies are left to cry by themselves after a few months, they grow to be more independent. Chris Bumstead remarked, “When they cry you just leave them alone to cry. So they self-soothe, and then they learn so that they don’t they’re not reliant on you coming to get them every time they cry.”

The bodybuilder also stated how he wishes his baby to always feel the emotions they are living in. He also reflected on its importance in Western society by saying, “We live in a Western society that enforces way too much like independence and like no social culture community. So instead what I feel like I want to do with Courtney is giving the baby space and infant space consistently just to feel whatever emotion they’re in.”

READ MORE: Currently 29-YO, Chris Bumstead Hints Retirement Soon: “Wouldn’t Go Past 30”


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Now that Chris Bumstead is trying his best to stay at the top of his game with better mental health, his choices will definitely help him as he steps into fatherhood. What do you think about the bodybuilder’s dedication to better himself as he waits for the arrival of his baby girl? Let us know in the comments.

READ MORE: Soon-to-Be Father Chris Bumstead Plans to Pass on Special Gift to Baby That He Enjoyed as a Kid