
Exercising is not the only foundation of bodybuilding. Having a proper diet is crucial to maintain the fitness of one’s physique. For competitive bodybuilding managing one’s weight is another significant factor. And Larry Wheels’ coach scares him for his extravagant diet habits. The bodybuilder who has gone through several physical conditions that required medical attention, has been revealed to be a huge foodie.

Larry Wheels, the powerlifting prodigy needed to gain weight, and his coach, Ryan Bentson, head coach and founder of Team Zero Gravity confessed how Wheels managed to do that in only a matter of five days. His coach also reflects upon the thing he does not prescribe Wheels, but he does it anyway.

Larry Wheels’ coach advised him not to eat as much


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Ryan Bentson was accused of letting Wheels over eat after shows. In reply, the coach had pointed out how Larry Wheels gained as much as 53 pounds only in five days before. Then the coach stated, “Larry is a grown a** adult. I didn’t let him eat anything.” He reflected upon the fact that he had been trying to scare him about his eating habits. He suggested how Wheels’ blood pressure could reach its peak in no time.


However when Larry Wheels checked in with his doctor, his pressure was only 120/70, and the coach’s excuse did not stop him from eating as per his heart’s wish. The coach, Bentson further mentioned a story where he had gone out for a meal with Larry Wheels and powerlifter Baker. He laughed about how the rounds of bread present there never made it to the coach. At last, in the video, Bentson explained how he does not “advocate” such habits as a coach.

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Larry Wheels has been open about both his drug usage as well as medical conditions. Outside of his other medical conditions, Wheels suffers from a disease that has a chance of making him fully disabled.


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Larry Wheels’ risky condition

In one of his Instagram posts Wheels had talked about the dangerous disease he is a victim of. He confessed how his poor decisions and habits led to such consequences. He repented, “I f****d around and got Rhabdo. lightheaded af.” Rhabdo or Rhabdomyolysis leads muscle tissues to enter the bloodstream which can further damage the liver and kidney of the patient.


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Eating nutritious food is extremely important for every individual’s health. Yet it becomes the responsibility of the individual to keep it under control. No matter how much Larry Wheels’ coach would advise him to change his eating habits, it wouldn’t help unless Wheels changed it himself. Do you think he can lose weight as quickly as he gained it? Let us know your view in the comments below.

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