
In a heartwarming story of perseverance and dedication, a talented beautician and devoted mother from Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, has emerged victorious, capturing the hearts of both her clients and the local community. Her outstanding achievements in the?bodybuilding?industry have earned her well-deserved recognition and accolades.

The protagonist of our story, Julie Anne Rooney, is a testament to the power of passion and determination. Rooney, a loving mother of three, has always had a deep-seated interest in the beauty industry. Despite numerous obstacles, including the demands of raising a family, she decided to follow her dream. As a result of her hard work, she recently won a major bodybuilding show.

Rooney’s Journey to the BNBF Title


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Juggling the responsibilities of motherhood and her studies was no easy feat, but Rooney’s unwavering commitment pushed her forward. In an?interview with the Daily Record, the mom spoke about how her journey?has led up to this moment and said,?“When I had my children, I gave up on the idea of doing anything really. When my third was born, I wanted to lose weight, so I started training for Tough Mudder.”?Rooney, while training, gained some muscle, and seeing her progress, her fellow gymgoers motivated her to try bodybuilding.

Talking about her first competition, she revealed that it required 22 weeks of dieting. The determination paid off after she emerged victorious in the BNBF contest that was held a decade ago.?“However, this time, I won the Female Overall, which is the winner of all the categories. To win that was ultimate… I have been in an overall before and not won, so I know how it feels. To win it, it was just incredible,”?Julie stated.

What family’s support meant to Julie

Embarking on a bodybuilding journey is a remarkable feat at any age, but for women who choose to pursue this passion in their later years, the importance of support from family and children cannot be overstated. Despite her fears, Rooney admits that she had her family’s back at all times.


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Read More:??Literally Had No Money?: Still Hailed the OG Mass Monster, Legend Who Started Bodybuilding in Prison Makes a Unheard Confession About His First Professional Show

“I was worried about how the other kids at school would think of my kids having a bodybuilder for a mum,”?Julie disclosed. However, things happened a little differently than she expected. She mentioned that her “son Christopher told all his pals about my win, and it felt amazing to feel accepted, especially after how worried I was about that,”?added the 42-year-old.

Watch this story |?Bodybuilding Legend Arnold Schwarzenegger?s Golden Tips For Weight Loss


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