
Kali Muscle has lately been brought up in a conversation mostly because of his erratic diet, which has become a big controversy. However, the bodybuilder has now claimed to have found a diet that has become a proven method for weight loss, according to him. Counting on apples, the bodybuilder went on for over two weeks, and when he shared the results, it was shocking.

Interestingly, the 48-year-old former Mr. California has started a new method of fasting with apples. For 16 days, Kali Muscle only ate apples and apple juices, and in the end, he shared a very astonishing revelation about how the apple fasting helped him in weight loss to such an extent that it almost matched his sophomore year weight.

Kali Muscle’s ‘apple’ fasting


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Muscle declared that he had been taking only apples as part of his diet, and he claimed that it was by far the best fast he had. The bodybuilder compared how the apples have similar effects, just like he experienced with his watermelon challenge. He pointed out, “I released like 10–12 lbs in a matter of three days. At the time of this video, I’m like 175 lbs right now. The lowest I’ve been ever since a sophomore in high school.”

Additionally, Kali Muscle revealed how he handled this new diet in his fitness journey. He said that he would usually do a 20-minute cardio session on a treadmill and then continue with an hour and a half of workout sessions. Then he prefers to have apple juice and continue having apples throughout the day and night. He also suggested, “If you need to lose weight, if you need to get in tune, if you need to get healthy, apples are the way to go.”

While browsing through several of these apple juice options, Kali Muscle also discovered something shocking. While looking at the ingredients of one of the juices, he talked about how he lost many friends because of such bad ingredients.


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The former Mr. California warns the fitness world

The Motts and Tots Apple Juice, which is primarily sold for children, has concentrated ascorbic acid, acetate, and some other additives as well, which can be extremely harmful to the body. Then Kali Muscle went on to remind the fitness world how he lost many of his friends because of negligence on their part when considering proper diet. He said, “As I say, I lost so many friends to health problems in the last two years that shouldn’t have died in their early 40s. All behind what we put in our body.” 

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Kali Muscle almost always has something new to bring up on the internet, and while he has made some shocking diets before, this time he plans to present an effective way to lose weight.

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