
When thousands of people look up to one shared goal, everyone tries their best to find a better way to reach there. However, not everyone can master the process, and thus rumors start to circulate of certain tricks to achieve it all. Taking the deluded fitness enthusiasts out of these myths is certainly one responsibility of the bodybuilding legends. Here’s how Sean Nalewanyj, a natty, deals with myths.

Sean Nalewanyj is a fitness coach and an author who wrote the book, “The Truth About Building Muscle”. He is famous on the internet for promoting good conduct as well as sharing his tips for success within the bodybuilding arena.

Sean Nalewanyj destroys a myth


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In one of his recent YouTube short videos, Sean shares a video of him busting a well-spread rumor about the requirement of higher reps during isolation exercises. In his caption, he writes a long explanatory note. It quotes, “‘Isolation exercises are about squeezing and feeling the muscle’ (which usually entails higher reps) just doesn’t have any real physiological basis behind it.”

He further states in his caption, “If you’re going overboard on weight then obviously you’re going to have issues, but as long as you’re loading correctly then you should be perfectly capable of executing an all out set of 6 rep triceps pushdowns to failure (as one example) without any form breakdown.”

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As Sean Nalewanyj brings out the real truth about the myth about the isolation exercises, his fandom comes forward to show his support and affection.


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Sean Nalewanyj fans accept his judgments

One of the fans scream, “Damn, he?s got some amazing guns there! ????”. While another one says, “Bro’s arm is bigger than Mario’s iq”. When it came to complimenting his persona and guidance, one of them said, “Mans one of my fav fitness influencers.. Always gives no BS and top tier advice??”. Yet another commented,“Just a footage of Sean carrying the fitness community ?”. Last, but not least fans recognise his honesty, “Sean gets us all so busy in indulging all of his straight no bs fitness knowledge that we never get the time to appreciate his physique.”


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Bodybuilding is a sport where people will be discouraged or have a wrong idea of it altogether. Sean has been conveying important messages in the community quite regularly. His fandom thus never hesitates to show their support for someone who is trying to bring about the change the society needs urgently.

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