
In the world of bodybuilding, having enemies to compete with can be beneficial for bodybuilders. To improve oneself for the sake of defeating another formidable opponent is one of the most proven ways of attaining one’s goals. Competitors and rivals can boost each other’s determination to win more than any motivation gained in other ways.

The three-time runner-up of Mr. Olympia, Kai Greene, is a man of many merits. On the one hand, he has shown his skills in art and acting. On the other, he leaped into the Herculean profession of bodybuilding. Years after his last professional contest, Greene shared footage of his glorious past.


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Kai Greene reminisces about his golden era of thriving as a natural

Sharing the recent Instagram story posted by @shamell_fitness, Kai Greene ruminates over his old physique when he was still a natty. In the video, a teenage Kai was seen mastering a few of the most stunning poses in the history of bodybuilding. The video is captioned thus: “@kaigreene is arguably the best bodybuilding poser of all time. This is from his teenage years in 1995, when he was still Natty.”

The introduction of steroids in the field has ruined many a career. An uncountable number of bodybuilders have ruined their health and lives with them. Of late, these bodybuilders are speaking out about the horrendous effects of steroid use. Thus, it is highly important to observe Greene’s build from his natural era back when he was only a teenager. It attests to how natural can be equally beautiful.

READ MORE: “Exactly Opposite of What I Thought”: Bodybuilding Mutant’s Quad Tips Mirroring Veterans Like Phil Heath and Kai Greene Strikes a Chord With Fitness World

The seven-time Mr. Olympia title holder Phil Heath’s renowned rivalry with Kai Greene was a notable one. The latter was the three-time runner-up during Phil’s era, in 2012, 2013, and 2014.

Kai Greene and Phil Heath’s heated rivalry

The decade old rivalry between Phil and Kai is known around the world. The uncrowned Mr. Olympia, Kai Greene, has come second only to his opponent Heath. Not once, or twice, but three consecutive times. The blow of it, although seems unimaginable to Greene, affected Phil equally. The intense pressure to not make the slightest mistake in front of Greene had led Heath to work harder and harder, till he won seven times.


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The use of steroids to get good results is very common these days. In the process, finding a natural body has become rare. As the bodybuilding legends of older times are appreciating their natty physiques, bodybuilders of preset are getting crystal clear warnings about steroids’ bad effects on the body.


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What do you think about steroid usage? Do you believe in the bodybuilder’s capabilities to construct a splendid figure without their help? Let us know in the comments.

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