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76-year-old bodybuilding icon Arnold Schwarzenegger has gone through the process of parenting five times. Arnie grew up with a strict father who often didn’t support his ambitions. They also shared a massive communication gap. Hence, the former governor of California shared some valuable advice for those looking to improve their relationship with their kids.

Arnold Schwarzenegger understands both sides, as a son who pined for his father’s approval and a father who taught his children valuable lessons. Despite his experience, the FUBAR star highlighted a scientific study to further validate the advice. The 80s action icon explained how gratitude is the key.

A single act can have a dramatic impact


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The 76-year-old explained that “practicing gratitude” could be “the foundation” for bridging the gap between parents and their kids. The bodybuilding icon highlighted a scientific study that observed parents “who wrote letters of gratitude to their family.” The study found that parents who practiced this saw tangible and immediate benefits.

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“One week after writing the letter, they reported more positive emotions, empathy, happiness, connectedness, and competence,” Schwarzenegger explained in Arnold’s Pump Club. When parents focused on what they were thankful for through these better, they “felt closer to their kids.” The parent partaking in the study also reported improved communication with their children.

Hence, they also faced “fewer challenging behaviors from their kids,” wrote Arnie. Besides improving their parent-child relations, practicing gratitude also reduces stress. Parents often deal with stress trying to provide a comfortable life for their familiar. However, parents who establish better communication with their kids face additional stress at home.

Arnold Schwarzenegger himself always communicated with his kids. Even during the family’s dark times, Schwarzenegger didn’t keep his kids out of the loop, unlike his own father.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t make his father’s mistakes


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The Austrian Oak faced many challenges in his childhood. Despite his father being the police chief of the town, the Schwarzeneggers battled with poverty. Arnie’s father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, grappled with disillusionment after the Second World War. He turned to alcohol and had a rocky relationship with his family.

Besides rarely getting his father’s support, Schwarzenegger also battled favoritism, as Gustav Schwarzenegger preferred Schwarzenegger’s older brother over him. However, the bodybuilding legend didn’t repeat his father’s mistakes. He treated his kids equally, taught them to self self-sufficient, and supported them.


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Since the 76-year-old has experienced the best and worst side of parenting, he highlighted a study to help others avoid hardships.

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