
via Imago

via Imago

76-year-old former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, raised his voice in support of Senate Bill 1137. Present governor Gavin Newsom signed the proposal into law in 2022. The law will prevent oil companies from drilling within 3200 ft of houses, schools, and hospitals from 2025. However, the oil giants have spent $20 million to gather enough votes and put the law on the ballot.

Newsom called Arnold Schwarzenegger to help save the law that will be up for ballot in November this year. Known as the Green Governor for his 2006 emission reduction law, the bodybuilding great answered the present governor’s call. While many supported Arnie raising a voice against the health hazards of drilling so close to home, not everyone agreed.

The USC Schwarzenegger Institute posted a song exclusively made for the campaign to save 1137. The video starts with the nation star saying “They will be terminated again.” Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed confidence in the people of California. He said that the oil giants tried to overturn every environmental protection law in California in 2010 but failed during the vote.


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The former Mr. Olympia thinks the multi-billion dollar oil industry will suffer the same fate in November. Senate Bill 1137 exists because oil companies have 100,000 urban drilling sites to choose from in the Golden State. However, 30,000 sites are located within 3200 ft of neighborhoods, schools, and hospitals.

Drilling so close to people’s living spaces causes long-term damage from the pollution caused by it. Arnold Schwarzenegger has highlighted multiple times that millions die from pollution every year, and he doesn’t want to add to that number by letting oil giants drill beside homes. However, not everyone on the internet supports the bill or Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Read More | Arnold Schwarzenegger Raises Voice Against California’s Silent Health Hazard


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Fans have questions for Arnold Schwarzenegger

While many rallied behind Arnold Schwarzenegger, others still had doubts about his convictions. “Is he still flying Private jets?” asked one fan. “My question is does his Tank run on electricity???” asked another fan. “Good luck with that,” wrote another fan who was skeptical about how successful the campaign against oil corporations would be.

Meanwhile, another fan simply objected to the law and Arnie’s decision to fight for it. “Nah we need oil,” commented the fan. “Big fan of Arnold. But disagree with him on a couple of topics,” a fan wrote. So, it would seem that despite his noble intentions, not everyone thinks restricting access to 30,000 drill sites is a good idea for California’s economy.


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Read More | Arnold Schwarzenegger Drops Disheartening Health Update Going Against His Austrian Values

Whether fans support Arnold Schwarzenegger and the law he is fighting for, we’ll have to wait for the November ballot to learn the outcome.