
It’s no secret that a professional bodybuilder may use ste***ds. While most never spoke about the presence of PEDs in the sport, the last decade has changed the discourse. Bodybuilding legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dorian Yates, Phil Heath, and more have admitted to using them. However, despite the discourse, former Classic Physique Olympia winner Breon Ansley lamented the misinformation about ste***ds.

While appearing on the Overcome Podcast, Chris Bumstead’s rival spoke about the ste***d epidemic among the youth, filed by social media. Ansley voiced concern about “too many kids” hoping on PEDs while social media glorifies it. Bodybuilding veterans like Greg Doucette have already spoken out against the glorification of such harmful practices. However, Ansley feels this has misrepresented how and why pro-bodybuilders use PEDs.

“I think the education about ste**ids is off… The public and… to the masses out there, that steroids are still just bad bad bad,” Ansley said during the podcast. While using PEDs without supervision or monitoring is harmful, Ansley explained that there is a safer way. “You can do steroids safely,” said Chris Bumtead’s long-time Olympia rival.


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The bodybuilder claimed that by “monitoring blood work, testing your body, and making sure everything is good from the inside,” pro bodybuilders could mitigate the risks. However, that doesn’t mean he supported young, aspiring bodybuilders who hop on steroids to build their physique. Besides only talking about professionals, he said PEDs shouldn’t be used as shortcuts.


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The only man to defeat Chris Bumstead twice on the Olympia stage said that ste***ds won’t give anyone a physique like him for CBum. Ansley explained that everything, from sleep and training to diet and recovery, must be done properly for years, despite PEDs. Thinking PEDs would build a world-class physique in “three years” was part of the misrepresentation. Former 6x Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates spoke on the same issue.

Ste***ds don’t turn a bodybuilder into a champion

Impatient youths are hopping on ste***d cycles after only training for a short period. However, champions like Breon Ansley and Dorian Yates want them to understand that it’s not so straightforward. The legendary British bodybuilder criticized those who think, “If I take more stuff, I’ll look like that,” because PEDs don’t make champions.


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Instead, Yates warned that those who think this way end up harming their health. The six-time Mr. Olympia explained that some have a genetic advantage over others. They may also be more dedicated and disciplined, willing to suffer through training even if the most elite bodybuilders don’t survive. “You can’t get that from an injection or from a tablet,” said Yates.

So, while the Classic Physique bodybuilder didn’t endorse ste***d use for noncompetitive bodybuilders, he explained that unhealthy practices have tarnished their image.