
Former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has launched a rallying cry for urgent environmental action at the 8th Austrian World Summit. This edition of the conference, which focused on the theme “Be Useful: Tools for a Healthy Planet,”  also hosted the Solution Expo, another initiative showcasing innovative environmental solutions.

On Instagram, Schwarzenegger Climate Action’s team shared glimpses of the conference and his passionate message: “We know governments have the power to cut through the red tape in emergencies. […] This is fuc**ng crazy! The Earth is dying!”

Schwarzenegger’s speech called for cutting through bureaucracy and taking bold action to save the planet. “It’s time to take bold action and cut through the bureaucracy to save our planet. Let’s join forces and fight for a sustainable future. #AWS24,” he urged. In another powerful video, Schwarzenegger painted a vivid picture of his vision for the future. “I see a world with clean and blue skies. I see a world without pollution choking our children and killing those 7 million people every year,” he said.


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He envisioned a world where clean air and water are universal, a world free from the clutches of fossil fuels, relying instead on solar, wind, water, batteries, and clean nuclear power. “I see a world where fossil fuels are actually a fossil, a relic of our past, left to history. A world that chooses the future instead of the past,” he declared.


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The bodybuilding icon’s vision extends to global peace and sustainability, where no nation fights over oil, and every country thrives on renewable resources. “A world where countries live in harmony because every country has access to the sun, to the wind, to the water, and the elements that can power our lives. That is my vision,” he concluded. His fight against environmental hazards is not new; earlier this year, he took a stand against the risks posed by oil and gas wells in California.

Arnold Schwarzenegger urges to take action against environmental hazard

In March, Schwarzenegger joined forces with environmental advocates in Los Angeles to champion a critical 2022 law to protect residents from pollution. This law prohibits new oil and gas wells within 3,200 feet (975 meters) of sensitive areas like homes, schools, and hospitals. Despite its importance, the law has yet to be enforced due to an upcoming referendum by the oil industry. Schwarzenegger highlighted the unity among leaders, stating on Instagram, “It works in Washington for them and worldwide, but it never works in California, especially when we have the governor, Jane Fonda, and so many community leaders and public servants come together. We have a great team together.”


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Addressing concerns about the oil and gas industry, Schwarzenegger pointed out the disparity between industry executives and those affected by pollution. “Let’s find out how many oil executives live next to oil wells. You see what I’m saying? Out of the 2.7 million people that live next to oil wells, there were none. No oil executives living close by,” he remarked. He and Governor Newsom underscored the law’s significance for California’s climate goals.

Will Schwarzenegger’s powerful message inspire people to join the movement for environmental action? Let us know in the comment section.