
The Internet, a vast reservoir of information and connectivity, has its darker recesses. Greg Doucette, a distinguished bodybuilding entity and IFBB coach, recently got caught up in these problems when he faced a lot of criticism and accusations on social media from bodybuilding followers.

Recently, he shared a snapshot of comments from users on his Instagram account. Subsequently, after sharing a snapshot of some comments. Doucette conveyed his thoughts on the severe, and occasionally baseless, condemnations he receives. Moreover, he urged people not to value the opinions of unknown entities online.

Greg Doucette: Unraveling the critique


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He stated, “My advice to everyone: don?t listen to a bunch of morons that you?ve never met on the Internet. Their opinions mean nothing.” The criticisms levied at Doucette were diverse. While one user scrutinized his professional motives, alluding to him as perhaps more of a “supplement salesman,” than an educator, another took a more accusatory stance.

In a rather unexpected twist, the latter user called out Joey Swoll, another bodybuilding personality, insinuating a lapse in his judgment for merely associating with Doucette. This user’s innuendoes hinted at a purported video by Doucette, without delving into explicit details, casting him under severe labels: “transphobe” and “misogynist”.

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In the midst of all these comments, Doucette’s strength was noticeable. He smartly pointed out a clear mismatch?even with these criticisms. He proudly has over 100,000 supplement buyers, which questions some of the claims made against him. This incident with Doucette reflects a broader trend where the dynamics of digital criticism, especially in the bodybuilding and fitness community, are undergoing significant changes.


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Digital criticism of the bodybuilding community rampant these days

Doucette is not alone. The virtual realm frequently witnesses a torrent of such critiques, especially targeting public personas. With everyone able to share opinions online, it’s hard to tell who’s an expert and who’s just a regular person. In simpler words, as Doucette emphasized, it’s really important to separate the truth from the nonsense or the valuable from the worthless.


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Simply put, Doucette’s online conflict shows the bigger issues of cancel culture and the risks of unchecked online discussions. While holding public figures to account is pivotal, it’s equally vital to underpin critiques with veracity. Doucette’s counsel? Amidst the cacophony, find your truth, and more importantly, believe in it.

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