
Are you tired of incessant headaches and throbbing pain inside your head? And cannot figure out why it is happening. Well, do not worry because legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger is again here to rescue everyone from chronic headaches through a simple and natural solution in his newsletter. The latest newsletter solves the annoying headaches that take over our day and hamper us.

Arnie has given research as well as the scientific and natural solutions to headaches. The man who knows hangover cures did not leave any stone unturned while giving the information.

Arnold Schwarzenegger spills the beans on a natural cure for headaches


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The former bodybuilder started the newsletter with words of wisdom about new research on the cure. According to new research, fish oil might help reduce bad headaches. The scientists studied nearly 200 candidates who suffer from headaches and it sums up from 5 to 20 headaches per month!

For 16 weeks, “people were randomly assigned to one of two diets. Both had the same macronutrients and calories, but one group ate lots of omega-3 fatty acids. The high fish oil group consumed approximately 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids daily from fatty fish like salmon and sardines.” The people who ate more fish oil had fewer headaches. Alongside they reported sleeping better, being less stressed, and feeling healthier.

Read More: “This Isn’t the Year for Quitting”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Startling Fact to Motivate People Aiming to Get in Shape

According to Arnie, the researchers believe that these positive outcomes were because of the levels of 17-HDMA, which is a pain-relieving molecule in the body responsible for making Omega Fatty acids. Arnie is best at advising about anything under the sun and people benefit from it!


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Viktor Martinez was helped by Arnold Schwarzenegger

In Generation Iron, Victor Martinez, along with Vlad Yudin, Edward Mejia Jr., and Ehsan Farahi, talked about an unlikely topic. While discussing hangovers, Mejia revealed the 7-time Mr Olympia’s secret to cure a hangover. He said, “Arnold claims that there are very specific routines that can help with hangover cure taking electrolytes, of course, before you go to bed. Protein and good fats.” 

Martinez also declared that if Arnie is saying it, he will believe it! This is high praise indeed from the bodybuilding champion, and his belief in Schwarzenegger shows the authenticity of his information. 


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So, if you are a pescatarian or not a vegan, then fish oil might help!