
Lesley Maxwell might be 65, but she is anything but old when it comes to fitness. Almost resembling any youngster’s aspiring physique, Maxwell continues to retain her reputation in the fitness world. With a following of over 143K followers on Instagram, Maxwell exhibits her trophy physique, which continues to stun her audience.

Although Maxwell suffered from a cycling accident in the past, she did not let it lower her morals. Recovering from that, Maxwell became a better version of herself, so much so that she can also show off her shredded body which a few can attain even when they are half her age. As she posted a new photo showcasing her abs, the fitness community couldn’t help but admire the work Maxwell had put in.

Lesley Maxwell says her abs are still there


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Taking to Instagram, Maxwell posted a picture that accentuated her six packs. The fitness icon is aware of her accomplishment, which not only showed the world the immense possibilities one can enable with discipline and dedication but also proved that she has managed to achieve it, defying all age-related issues. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “Yep! They’re still there.”

Not long ago, Lesley Maxwell had confessed how she had been trying to rebuild her muscles by slowly increasing the weights she was using for her fitness regime. She had claimed that earlier in the year she was not in a good condition so she had to make some changes to become a better version of herself, and she has proved that by showcasing her abs.

When Maxwell fans saw her shredded physique, they couldn’t stop from expressing themselves in the comments section.

Lesley Maxwell fans bestow their love and support


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A fan questioned whether Lesley Maxwell actually aged in reality. They wrote, “Do you ever age?” While another fan pinpointed how bulky her abs looked even despite the fact that she was in her mid-60s. They said, “Your abs right?? Woww they’re so bulky.”

Another user exclaimed how Maxwell was the amalgamation of beauty and muscularity, writing, “Masculer Beautiful Lady.” A fitness enthusiast credited her dedication and hard work for the results she has achieved, “No doubt they are. Especially with all your hard work and dedication.” One other person compared her beauty with divinity by saying, “Goddess beauty.”

READ MORE: “Can Start at Any Age”: 65-Year-Old Ripped Grandma Unveils Her Secret to Staying Lean ‘All Year Round’


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It is certainly not easy to maintain one’s physique as they grow older. It takes a lot of work and may even have a toll on a person’s body. Yet, Maxwell has proved that one can do it if one puts their mind to it.

Watch the story here: Former Mr.USA and bodybuilding ‘Hall of Famer’ is still able to maintain an unbelievable physique at 65.