
The effects of ster**ds has been a hot topic in the fitness industry for a while now. The exercise expert, Dr. Mike Israetel uncovered some answers to the question while also addressing his own anxiety issues. As the bodybuilding oracle tries to explain his anxiety and rage, he also gives out the names of the supplements that helped him overcome it.

Israetel was seen in a podcast where he was asked about the mental effects that one might get from ster**ds. He explained that it is only because of the mental side effects that he does not even increase a gram of his pre-week.

Israetel signals that steroids can lead to “decrements in ability”


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In the podcast, Dr. Mike Israetel announced, “Steroids do make you reliably dumber by the way.” Earlier, he had put out similar arguments explaining how ster**ds could be held responsible for IQ loss. According to him, experiments showed that people who used androgens for a limited time period had “small or unnotable decrements in ability”. However, people who had been taking 3 grams for 10 years showed more cognitive deficiency.

Moreover, Mike Israetel also explained that the reason he does not take any more dosages of pre-week is because he gets really bad anxiety. He stated, “If I take enough gear and high enough doses without taking any for lack of a better term nootropics, but also just some brain health supplements to offset that anxiety times a hundred.” The bodybuilder also talked about the extreme level of rage he gets because of an increased dose as well.


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However, that is not all. Mike Israetel also claimed that those who take heavy dosages of ster**ds are already dumb, to begin with. Let us see why the bodybuilder thinks that way.

Israetel claims that smart people taking gear often show more responsibility

In one of his explanatory videos on Renaissance Periodization, Israetel said, “Dumb a** motherf**kers stupid people, to begin with, make the choice to take five grams of gear for 10 years straight.” Then he explained that smart people, on the other hand, just don’t do such things usually.


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He also added that it is noticed that people who don’t pay attention to their ster**d intake for a longer period of time end up worsening their case. He further mentioned, “Smart people if they do take gear they do get less smart but they’re usually more responsible with it.”

Like Israetel explains, ster**ds often have side effects that one cannot even think about. That being said, were you aware of the detrimental effects that it had on one’s IQ? Let us know in the comments below.