
Arnold Schwarzenegger clears the air once and for all about the myths surrounding artificial sweeteners. Many have debated that artificial sweeteners cause cravings for sweets and, instead of helping, lead to health issues.

In his latest newsletter edition, Schwarzenegger shared insights from recent research. Arnie highlighted studies showing that these sweeteners do not make you hungrier or crave more sweets, contrary to popular belief.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recommendation for ‘non-nutritive sweeteners’


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Schwarzenegger pointed out in the newsletter, “One of the biggest arguments against artificial sweeteners is that they make you crave sweet foods despite their absence of calories.” He further clarified by citing a study. “That’s not all, eating foods with artificial or plant-based sweeteners might also help reduce your blood sugar and insulin,” emphasized the 76-year-old.

Furthermore, it is not only beneficial for blood sugar and insulin, in fact, it has the benefits of non-calorie sweeteners. The term is often called “non-nutritive sweeteners.” While discussing the benefits the Terminator shed light on earlier reviews. Those reviews show that these sweeteners “do not increase appetite or caloric intake.” This is likely why many studies have found that sugar-free beverages can aid in weight loss.

Hence, to prove his point, he showcased a “52-week randomized controlled trial” which revealed that people who consumed sugar-free drinks daily lost weight. In contrary to those who only drank water. Surprisingly, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean you should ditch water for sugar-free drinks. Water is essential for health. Lastly, “dozens of studies insist artificial sweeteners are likely safe and could help support your health goals.” While debunking the myth, he once shared tips for pre-workout meals as well.


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Not everyone needs to load up on carbs before a workout

The seven-time Mr. Olympia advises that eating carbs before a workout can help you maintain intensity and reduce fatigue, but you don’t need a lot. He suggests 20 to 40 grams of carbs, like 1-2 slices of bread or a banana, with a similar amount of protein is enough. However, going without carbs isn’t a bad idea either. Then he highlighted that if someone prefers working out on an empty stomach, as he does with his caffeine-filled routines, you can still perform well.

Nonetheless, if your workout is not intense and is under an hour, you need fewer carbs and can rely on coffee or a pre-workout drink for energy.  The scenario changes with the intensity of your exercise, like losing fat and cutting down the extra weight, cutting back on pre-workout carbs might help. It is important to focus it doesn’t affect your performance.


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The lesson here is simple. Arnie suggested everyone find the workout that best suits their physical needs. As he pointed out, balancing carb intake is crucial according to fitness goals. While discussing the need for carbs he also recommended coffee as a good pre-workout option.

Schwarzenegger’s message is clear: if you enjoy artificial sweeteners and they don’t cause any discomfort, they can be a helpful tool in managing your diet. Also, not everyone needs to load up on carbs before a workout.