
‘King’ Ronnie Coleman?and?Jay Cutler?are two legends who never compromised on their rivalry or their?bodybuilding preparation. For them, working out and eating healthy was the main crux of getting the Sandow trophy. Jay Cutler had a beastly diet where he spent $50,000 on food and Ronnie had something similar but spent less than his rival. Both of them won their share of Sandow trophies but their diets had major differences.

After sweating it out in the gym and experimenting with his iconic splits and workouts, Coleman went back to having the daily diet that he had been consuming for 25 years. This diet cost him $40,000 less than Jay Cutler?s and Coleman still won the Mr. Olympia 8 times. Coleman revealed the details of his diet on ‘The Iced Coffee Hour’.

Ronnie Coleman ate food cooked by his beloved mother


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While talking about Coleman?s diet plan during his competing days, Graham Stephan and Jack Selby asked him about the expenditure of becoming a bodybuilder and taking it as a full-time job. They asked, ?How much do you think you were spending back then??

Coleman gave an astonishing answer about spending half of what Cutler did and said, ?Oh man I was spending at least probably a good extra $10000 just on food.? He also disclosed about the change in his eating habits, ?But once I started eating six times a day and eating more because I used to eat like 10 12 ounces of food.? He used to eat 10 ounces then changed it to 16 ounces. Since so much food was a chore to eat, he used to wake up at night and eat his meal before again going to sleep.

Read More:?After Having Same Dinner for Two Years, Ronnie Coleman Refuses To Even Touch One of the Most Popular Meals in the World: ?Completely Burn Myself Out?

Coleman would try to get a discount on his food since he was buying so much of it for his bodybuilding preparation. Ronnie was lucky because his mother cooked his food and he said, ?She is the best cook I have ever known to this day.? Coleman had also revealed a surprising fact about his diet earlier as well.


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Coleman talks about the food he ate the most at one point

In an earlier YouTube video Coleman was doing an ?Ask Me Anything? with his fans. The Hall of Fame winner answered different questions that his followers had for him. A fan had asked what was the one food he ate the most till now. He shocked his fans by saying,??When I was in college, we used to always have the pizza eating contest at the Pizza Inn, where it was a dollar all you can eat and I guarantee you, I won every single time ?cause ain?t nobody eats more pizza than Big Ron.?

Coleman also talked about the biggest count of pizzas he had eaten and said, ?My biggest count had to be about 33 slices because I would go back and stack up as many as I can eat as many as I can and when I got tired of eating I would go in the bathroom, do some push-ups some sit-ups, and come out and eat some more.?


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Watch This Story:???King of the Clowns?: Bodybuilding Legend Ronnie Coleman Reveals His Bold Take on His 1995 Workout Session

The fact that even the powerful ‘King’ of Olympia was a junk food fanatic is beyond hilarious. However, once he started his bodybuilding journey, his dedication was beyond amazing. What do you think of his food habits? Tell us in the comments below.