
Seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger became passionate about bodybuilding when he was a teenager. Keen to compete and become the best bodybuilder in the world, Schwarzenegger poured his heart and soul into the sport. However, a mandatory two-year military service threatened to derail his ambitions. Yet the legendary bodybuilder wasn’t ready to give up his dream.

Despite joining the army, Schwarzenegger continued his bodybuilding training on top of his military training. He kept dumbbells in a compartment of his tank. He also kept weightlifting equipment in other places. Once, Arnie even escaped to compete in a bodybuilding show since his senior didn’t allow him to leave. He returned with a trophy and was charged with disciplinary action. Despite his experience, the 76-year-old recommended every youngster, irrespective of gender, join the army.

Why Arnold Schwarzenegger wants the youth to join the army


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Arnold Schwarzenegger recently appeared on Jay Shetty’s YouTube channel for an exclusive interview. During the 1-hour and 48-minute-long interview, the host asked Arnie about his experience in the army. Shetty inquired about the “most intense part” of the bodybuilding icon’s mandatory military service for the Austrian army. Schwarzenegger responded with a long answer.

“When I went through it, it was really tough,” said the former Mr. Universe. However, not everyone who joins the army trains to become a world champion bodybuilder after grueling military training. “But I have to say that when I look back at it, I recommend it very strongly for any young man or woman,” said the Terminator star.

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Schwarzenegger recommended it because military service makes a person disciplined and self-sufficient. “You get up at 5 in the morning, you run for an hour, then you do your basic training…” the 76-year-old said. “You learn to be tough… So you become kind of self-sufficient… It gives you, I think, a certain amount of confidence,” added Arnie. The punishments during military service also teach people about resilience.

The punishment for a tank crew member


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The Junior Mr. Europe winner recounted his experiences of being punished as a tank driver. The 76-year-old said making a mistake as part of the tank crew entailed punishment. Schwarzenegger recalled a hatch underneath the driver’s seat. The champion bodybuilder said if someone made a mistake, they would have to drop down underneath the tank from that hatch.

Then, they would have to crawl out from the back side, climb up, and enter through the top entry hatch. “They do that like 50 times,” said the former Mr. Universe. The mud underneath the tank would make the ordeal even tougher.


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While military service might be grueling, Schwarzenegger said it makes people a better version of themselves. That’s why he recommends every young person join the military.

Read More | “They Would Send Me To”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Turned His Army Punishment Into a Bodybuilding Resource