
The brutality of?bodybuilding?can be felt through the insecurities of bodybuilders across the globe. There are countless examples of contestants feeling highly self-aware of their so-called flaws that aren’t perfectly aligned with the society-set ideal body type. During these times, bodybuilders go through the roughest times. Their weaknesses get pointed out, and so does their confidence making things hard for the athletes to compete with their best mindset.

Son of Hall of Famer Lee Labrada, Hunter has gained a reputation of his own. While nepotism can flourish in other industries, no one can arguably deny the fairness of the bodybuilding stage, which shows the audience the bare truth of one’s talent in the field.

Hunter Labrada speaks about his weakness


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In the latest video posted by Hany Rambod on his YouTube channel, he evidently reports an interview with the Men?s Open champion of the 2023 Tampa Pro, Hunter Labrada. In the video, Hunter is recorded saying,?“There were a couple very big. But very easily changeable things from the Tampa peak week that we wanted to see how they affected the look.”

In the video, Hany asks Labrada if he could share some of the things he felt were changeable. To that, Hunter replies,?“It’s no secret that I’ve always had a problem; I’ve always been watery on stage, so you know.”?Hunter portrays one of the finest examples of being a truthful bodybuilder who agrees with his shortcomings without feeling the necessity of hiding them.

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As coach Hany Rambod proceeds with the conversation, the former fourth-ranked bodybuilder at Mr. Olympia discloses his diet practice before the big event at the Tampa Pro.


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Hunter Labrada reveals the dietary regimen he followed before winning at Tampa

Hunter explicitly confirms his food plans. He says,?“We fed me a lot less aggressively and a lot earlier for Tampa.”?He was reported to eat heavily on Tuesday and Wednesday. He then added,?“Then backed off a little on Thursday. No cr**py food, nothing. I hadn’t been eating the whole prep just more, you know. So Friday we woke up, and you know, if a hundred percent was 100%, we were at 105%. You know we had spilled a little bit, but it was still where we wanted.”


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As the Texas Pro is ongoing right now, audiences are eagerly waiting for the results. Facing his rival Andrew Jacked, Hunter had been?part of discussions?among the professional bodybuilders and coaches. But now, only time can tell who gets to stand victorious over the other.

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