
Are you looking to enhance your back workout routine? Assisted pull-ups could be the key to unlocking new gains. The technique is emphasized by bodybuilding coach Jimmy House and exercise scientist Dr. Mike Israetel in a recent video collaboration.

Jimmy House shared a post on Instagram featuring Dr. Mike Israetel and Jered Feather. In the video, the exercise scientist stressed the importance of technique in performing assisted pull-ups effectively. He emphasized, “It’s a good idea to take advantage of the fact that you can change your technique.”

Moreover, it’s not just about going through the motions; it’s about optimizing each movement to maximize muscle engagement and strength development. Feather demonstrated what Dr. Mike was explaining in the video. He stressed that assisted pull-ups give a unique advantage by allowing to lighten the load while maintaining control throughout the exercise.


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This controlled approach is crucial for targeting specific muscle groups, particularly the lats. Dr. Mike advised focusing on the eccentric phase: “Control that eccentric ultra slow. Get a super big stretch. Feel it in the lats.” This deliberate lowering phase not only enhances muscle activation but also builds endurance and strength.

Coach Jimmy House added his insights on technique, recommending a slight variation during the exercise: “As you come back up, crunch your elbows back and behind you as far as you can.” This method ensures a full range of motion and maximizes the movement of the back muscles.


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Assisted pull-ups are accessible to everyone

They also highlighted the importance of incorporating assisted pull-ups into your workout routine. Interestingly, they pointed out that you can adjust the exercise according to your fitness level. Begin by modifying the assistance to strike a balance between challenge and control. Gradually reduce the assistance as your strength improves, aiming to perform the exercise with minimal support.

Coach Jimmy House emphasized that effectively assisted pull-ups go beyond simply increasing repetitions. It’s about executing each movement correctly to achieve optimal results. “Focus on the eccentric,” he advised. This approach not only enhances muscle growth but also reduces the risk of injury.


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By following these expert tips in your training, you can make your back workouts even better. Whether you’re a beginner or you’re a regular at the gym, getting good at assisted pull-ups can really boost your strength and muscle growth.

So, next time you hit the gym, think about adding assisted pull-ups to your routine. With help from Coach Jimmy House and Dr. Mike Israetel, you can change how you work out and reach your fitness goals more effectively. Let us know if you tried their advice.