
Arnold Schwarzenegger, known for his incredible physique and action hero roles, has faced serious health challenges, including a congenital heart defect and recently a pacemaker installation. Yet, he has always championed the importance of staying fit and announced that his Netflix series FUBAR 2’s shooting has started. Despite all of this, he shed light on a simple yet powerful way to boost heart health: sprinting up stairs.

Schwarzenegger suggested in the recent edition of his newsletter that incorporating short bursts of intense stair climbing into your daily routine can be beneficial for your heart health. By sprinting up the stairs a few times each day, you can improve your “cardiovascular fitness and potentially lower your blood pressure.” This simple yet effective form of exercise can have significant long-term benefits for your overall well-being.

He revealed, “Research on more than 25,000 people found that performing short, intense bursts of physical activity three to four times a day can result in a 40 percent reduction in death from all causes and up to a 49 percent reduction in death from cardiovascular disease.” When aiming for the minimum effective dose of exercise, this method stands out.


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Participants in the study sprinted up a flight of stairs for 20 seconds, walked down, and repeated the process two more times. This brief but intense activity packs a powerful punch for heart health. These small bursts of fitness, often called “exercise snacks,” can indeed be life-extending.

They require minimal time and no special equipment, making them accessible to almost everyone. Schwarzenegger’s personal experience and dedication to fitness highlight that anyone, regardless of their starting point, can make impactful changes to their health. However, if you’re unable to sprint, no worries. Arnie even recommended a simpler version of this exercise snack.


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Can’t run? Walk five flights of stairs: Arnold Schwarzenegger

While acknowledging today’s fast-paced environment, the bodybuilding legend suggested that using stairs instead of escalators can be really good for your health. He said that research shows just taking the stairs every day can lower your chances of getting heart disease or having a stroke by 20%. Arnie shared a study where scientists looked at more than 458,000 people for 12 years. They found that people who used stairs often had fewer heart problems.


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Arnie mentioned that you don’t have to climb a ton of stairs to get benefits. Just walking up five flights of stairs, which is about 50 steps, each day can help your heart and keep you healthier. He also mentioned a book called “The Comfort Crisis” by Michael Easter. Schwarzenegger said it’s surprising that only 2% of people choose stairs over escalators, even though stairs are extremely good for you.

So next time you see a flight of stairs, remember: whether you sprint or walk, the five flights of stairs you take could be a powerful boost for your heart and overall health.