
In the realm of fitness and bodybuilding, the journey of gaining muscle while minimizing fat is a delicate balance. This is evident in the case of Mike O‘Hearn, a prominent figure in the fitness community. O’Hearn, who has undergone several cycles of bulking and cutting, highlights the significance of cardiovascular exercise and nutrition adjustments during these phases.

For his diet and cardio IFBB Pro coach, author, and Guinness World record holder, Greg Doucette raises his concern about O’Hearn’s program for cutting some pounds. He shared a video on his YouTube channel, analyzing and opining on his activity.

Greg Doucette is concerned about Mike O’Hearn


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In this video, Doucette mentioned “Michael Hearn, currently At 290 pounds and he’s trying to get shredded trying to cut down to 271 pounds and so he has to do cardio to diet down for the next 13 weeks”. He added, “I feel like it was a couple of weeks ago perhaps a month and a half, where he was literally on a diet doing cardio”.

Doucette suspects the fitness icon might be using some steroids again. “Mike who says you should only do cardio when dieting well I wonder why the guy seems to be on a Perpetual cut almost 365 days a year he was cutting for months then finished his cut and then went on a bulk Lo Behold a couple of weeks later he already has to cut back down again”.

O’Hearn’s experiences show that it plays a crucial role in achieving his desired physique. Contrary to common belief, bulking doesn’t solely involve gaining muscle–it can lead to excessive weight gain, which in O’Hearn’s case resulted in reaching 290 pounds.

READ MORE:  “You Can’t Wipe Humanity in Half”: 54-Year-Old Fitness Enigma Mike O’Hearn Leaves Bodybuilding World Concerned With His Latest Stunt


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O’Hearn’s approach involves alternating between bulking and cutting cycles, with the latter requiring cardio and dietary modifications. It’s evident that the continuous back-and-forth between these phases is not as straightforward as a typical bulk-cut cycle. Instead, he often finds himself in a perpetual cut, indicating that the conventional concept of bulking followed by a mini-cut doesn’t always apply.

Mike’s perspective on maintaining weight!

Former Mr. Universe’s cardio routine during his cutting phase. While he acknowledges the importance of cardio, he also stresses the need to approach it sensibly. Rather than resorting to extreme measures like excessive cardio or crash dieting, Mike O’Hearn advocates for a gradual approach. Slowly introducing cardio and making small dietary adjustments over time proves to be more sustainable and effective in the long run.


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His strategy is his emphasis on maintaining a reasonable body weight year-round. Unlike the pattern of extreme bulking and cutting, he suggests that a more balanced approach, where one stays closer to their ideal weight, can be healthier for the body and heart. This philosophy resonates with the idea of maintaining a healthy body fat percentage rather than fluctuating drastically between weight extremes.

WATCH THIS STORY: 54-Year-Old Bodybuilding Titan Mike O’Hearn Recalls His Training Days With A Future UFC Superstar: “Banging Heads, Socking Each Other”