
Bodybuilding coach Sean Nalewanyj recently took to Instagram to call out a fitness influencer’s controversial advice on a bicep curl technique. In a reel video, the influencer boldly proclaimed, “Never keep your elbows next to you when you’re doing bicep curls…anybody who tells you to doesn’t know sh*t about training biceps.” But is there truth to this, or is it just another wave in the ocean of misinformation?

According to Nalewanyj, absolute statements like these can be misleading. While there may be benefits to certain variations of the exercise, it doesn’t mean they’re essential for growth. He argues that focusing solely on loading the biceps in a lengthened position may not be necessary for everyone.

Explaining the concept, he said, “The people you should actually unfollow are the ones who make absolute black-and-white statements about exercises that aren’t even necessarily correct.” Nalewanyj pointed out that different curl variations emphasize different parts of the range of motion. While the mid-position may indeed lack tension at the bottom, it doesn’t necessarily hinder growth. Moreover, he warned against the potential drawbacks of the influencer’s technique, such as unnecessary fatigue and limited loading potential due to increased shoulder involvement.


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Instead, Nalewanyj suggested a more balanced approach. He advocated sticking to the traditional standing curls while incorporating preacher curls to remove shoulder involvement and increase bicep activation. Drawing from personal experience, he emphasized that simplicity can be effective, citing his own success with basic barbell and dumbbell curls during his bodybuilding days.


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While loading the biceps in a lengthened position may offer some benefits, Nalewanyj urged caution and suggested exploring alternative exercises like preacher curls or cable variations. It’s about finding what works best for individual growth and avoiding rigid routines. In addition, he delved into common workout mistakes, shedding light on three key errors that might be holding back your gains.

Common mistakes of aspiring bodybuilders by Sean Nalewanyj

Earlier, Nalewanyj pointed out three common mistakes people make in their workouts. To begin with, he mentioned that some enthusiasts believe they need to do more reps during isolation exercises. He clarified that it’s okay to do fewer reps as long as your form is good and your joints feel fine. This might even let you lift heavier weights, which can help with muscle growth.


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Furthermore, he talked about how some people focus too much on feeling the muscle work during isolation exercises. While it’s important to connect with your muscles, it’s not the only thing that matters. Technique and execution are key. Additionally, Nalewanyj highlighted the importance of tracking your progress. Many people forget to keep tabs on how much weight they’re lifting, which can hinder muscle growth. He suggested keeping a logbook to stay on track.

Sean Nalewanyj’s critique of misleading workout advice highlights the importance of individualized approaches. He emphasizes avoiding absolutes and rather focusing on balanced training for optimal results.