
43-year-old fitness influencer and bodybuilding astounded fans with a video of his son lifting weights in the gym. In the video, 10-year-old Preston Lobliner performed box squats with over 300 lbs on his shoulder. Even more astounding was the fact that the kid performed three reps with the massive weight. His IFBB pro father took the place of the spotter.

Marc Lobliner said that his 10-year-old son squatted almost three times his body weight because the kid only weighs 105 lbs. The fitness influencer’s fans were shocked to see Lobliner’s kid perform such an immense feat of strength. Meanwhile, the bodybuilding coach explained why lifting such mind-boggling weights at such a young age was actually a good thing.

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In the video, Marc Lobliner stood behind Preston and helped him unrack the weight. While the 10-year-old squatted the over 300 lbs, he used a padded shoulder brace to attach to the barbell. Marc Lobliner and people off-camera cheered the Preston. Everyone celebrated when he performed all three reps successfully.



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“Love the high schoolers at @legacyatcarbon cheering him on at the end,” the 43-year-old wrote in the caption. However, the bodybuilding coach also felt the need to explain why his kid squatted so heavily. “One of the most frustrating things about posting lifts online is the context within programming,” wrote Lobliner. It was as if he anticipated that some might frown upon the video.


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“The high-box squat is a great addition to getting used to moving heavy loads, building hip-extensor strength,” wrote the competitive bodybuilder. Lobliner explained that doing heavy box squats had a functional purpose and would help his son develop strength for sports performance. Lobliner also said that lifting weights safely, would make his son less likely to get injured than the average kid.

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“If a kid can safely support 300lbs+ on a squat, he is much less likely to get injured than a weak kid who has kyphosis and valgus without load,” the bodybuilder claimed. Box squats help build strength in the lockout portion. Hence, it would help the 10-year-old with explosive movements like “extending to hit in football or shoot (for a takedown) in wrestling.” 


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The influencer also wrote that the box squat is one of the many exercises young Preston does. The bodybuilding coach pays attention to every aspect of his son’s training to ensure he builds balanced strength. The 10-year-old performs slant board goblet squats and single-leg movements. In fact, it’s because of the accessory movements that Marc Lobliner’s son can safely squat 300+ lbs at 10.

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