
In a captivating twist of fate, the son of bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger Joseph Baena has taken center stage in the world of Hollywood, delivering a powerful homage to his father’s iconic catchphrase. In his first-ever movie, the younger Schwarzenegger skillfully brought back the unforgettable words made famous by his father’s iconic performance as the unstoppable Terminator.

By taking this courageous step, not only does he pay homage to his family’s heritage, but he also grabs the audience’s interest with a combination of enthusiasm, nostalgic sentiments, and eager anticipation. In his debut action film, the connection between Schwarzenegger’s son from the affair and the legendary figure is cemented, serving as a sincere and heartfelt tribute to his father.

Joseph Baena uses his dad’s infamous line in his new flick


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Joseph Baena is all set to make his dad proud of his upcoming debut action film called ‘Called to Duty’. He will be seen playing the character of an F-15 pilot, Lt. Andrew ‘Bells’ Harris, alongside the female squadron Susannah Jane in the film.

In a recent clip that was released by TMZ, Baena was seen including a swift nod to his super jacked father’s most famous lines in history from the movie ‘The Terminator.’ in the clip, Joseph is featured flying a fighter jet into the battlefield. Before he goes on to peel off from the group, he says, “In 1984, there was an actor who gave one of the greatest lines of all-time … I’ll be back!!!”

Read More: “Godlike Genetics”: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Only Jacked Son, Stuns Bodybuilding World With His Conditioning


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Joseph Baena has undeniably inherited more than just his father’s physical resemblance. He shares a passion trait with Arnold Schwarzenegger as well. In a recent photo from the film, people are going wild over Baena’s striking similarity to his father. It’s clear that the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree!

Joseph Baena looks as shredded as Arnold Schwarzenegger on the sets of the film

Another clip from TMZ featured behind-the-scenes photos from the sets of ‘Called to Duty’. As Joseph Baena steps onto the foray of action films, he stuns people with his ripped and his super shredded physique. Well, like a son-like father once again! 


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The upcoming film is scheduled to release on popular streaming and cable platforms in the United States and Canada on July 1, 2023. It is reported that a particular scene was intentionally included, showcasing Joseph Baena’s impressive strength as he lifts weights at the gym. Sporting a tank top, he proudly displays his muscular physique. What are your thoughts on Joseph Baena’s upcoming release?

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