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When individuals attempt to replace their bad habits with healthier lifestyle choices, they often encounter difficulties. Despite their efforts, many fail to sustain their pursuit over time. The reasons for these failures can vary, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has emphasized a key factor: rigid schedules.

The 76-year-old bodybuilding icon advocates for a game-changing strategy. The Terminator has uncovered a “surprising reason” about why habits often fail to stick. He emphasized the importance of flexibility in fostering longevity and maintaining a consistent routine. In the latest edition of his newsletter, he wrote, “Consistency is the foundation of a good habit. But an inflexible approach might be why you struggle to make new habits stick.” He backed this up with research that suggested “that the more rigid you make a routine, the more likely it is to fail.”

Scientists conducted a study with 2,500 Google employees to boost exercise habits. Participants were divided into three groups, “a strict routine, a flexible plan, and a control group.” The strict group had a designated time slot for exercise, while the flexible group could work out whenever. Both groups were paid for completing workouts, while the control group had no specific guidelines.


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Interestingly, after payments ceased, those with flexible routines were twice as likely to continue hitting the gym compared to the strict group. This might seem puzzling, but it’s a familiar tale for many. Following a plan religiously only to fall off the wagon is a common experience, especially with diet plans. The rigid approach helped build a habit initially, but it didn’t account for life’s unpredictability. Missing one workout often led to skipping altogether.


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In contrast, those with flexible plans found ways to take action, even when situations weren’t perfect. According to him, one shouldn’t let the focus on perfectionism hinder progress. Adjust your plan if life throws a curveball. Whether it’s shifting your exercise time or navigating a meal out while on a diet, flexibility is key to consistency in the long run. In a similar vein, Arnie also recommended not starting out with bigger goals.

Start your fitness journey with smaller goals: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Furthermore, Schwarzenegger advocates for a detour from strict diet plans. His philosophy, embodied in “You Can’t Sc**w This Up,” focuses on building flexible habits that adapt to any scenario, reducing stress and anxiety along the way. Nonetheless, if you are starting your fitness Arnie recommends that you opt for simple and doable goals.


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Earlier, Arnie had shed light on many people making New Year’s resolutions to get healthier, only to give up by February. To motivate and inspire people in their fitness journey, Schwarzenegger says, “Not this year. This isn’t the year for quitting.”

According to Arnie, starting with big goals can lead to quitting and highlights that it is impossible to make big changes in a month without hurting oneself. As Arnie reveals, transforming takes time, effort, and discipline. So take it slow and get ready for lasting results.