When everything is instant in this generation of Gen Z, patience is something that is lacking, and bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts today think that even success is instant. There was a time when it was difficult to even lay one’s hands on whey protein, however, teenagers today are using PEDs more than ever. Veteran bodybuilder better referred to as the Quadfather, Tom Platz reveals the actuality of supplements and the companies providing them
During a recently, resurfaced clip, Tom Platz can be seen preaching to youngsters about the main source of energy and how steroids are ruining the lives of many individuals.
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Tom Platz talks about supplements
The bodybuilder Tom Platz is known for the massive length of his legs, and its length goes up to 30 inches talks about the usage of supplements and steroids. In a video posted on Instagram by an account that goes by the name @bodybuildbeast, Platz is seen conversing with the crowd, by commencing the video by saying, “You got to feed the body, supplements are most supposed to be supplement to your diet. Food is your main source of nutrients, and that’s never changed, and the food is your main source of recovery.” Gen Z is entirely dependent on supplements and in this era, veteran bodybuilders must guide the generation of a healthy nutritional diet.
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He continued explaining that he does not like supplement companies and Platz said that there are just fourteen companies across the world supplying supplements. Thus, Platz quotes, “Supplements are supplements, and if something is a little bit better than others. But the answer is not in the supplements.” Also, he compares meat protein and egg protein, as Platz prefers to eat egg protein. The monologue took an interesting turn when he talked about whey protein and claimed that it was nothing but a by-product.
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Speaking along the same lines, he quotes,
“Whey protein, you gotta be kidding me. Whey, that’s the by-product, that’s the egg whites forget that’s the leftovers from the chicken. That’s just nothing. Whey makes me gassy and bloating. I walk around fart and stuff.” He explains how bodybuilders today say that farting is natural, claiming that it’s because they are a bodybuilder. Platz further sheds light on steroid consumption.Tom Platz talks about steroids
Tom Platz goes on talking explain the usage of steroids and supplements by quoting, “All my old buddies that went to jail for selling steroids, they get out of it, they get out of jail and they open up, they started supplement companies that’s really how it started. I shouldn’t tell you that, Okay?”
Platz put forth a genuine point that even the terminologies and phrases that are being used are drug-like. For instance, anabolic, and constructive metabolism are some of the words that are widely being used. What is your take on supplement usage? Do comment below.
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