
Jay Cutler, the 4x Mr. Olympia, better known as the Quad Stomp Poser has recently turned 50. Though he has retired from the stage, he still follows a strict workout regimen and communicates with his fans daily. The Cutler Cast podcast is one of the most common ways he puts forth the necessary topics encircling the bodybuilding arena, however, he also gives fitness tips through Jay Cutler Newsletters. 

Recently, the legend has penned down another newsletter for his fans and fitness enthusiasts talking about how to get a shredded physique and the most common ways used by him. 


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Jay Cutler talks about diet and cardio 

As Cutler successfully completes his ‘Fit For 50’ program, he has commenced preaching fitness to his followers.  According to him, ab exercises won’t help you get shredded abs. A bodybuilder or a fitness enthusiast must work on their diet and cardio and once they are lean, doing extra abs workouts will help in sharpening the abs. Some of his personal favorite abs exercises include hanging leg raises, crunches, and kneeling cable crunches. Hanging leg raises helps in hitting the lower part of the abs, and ensuring that the entire core area gets a workout.

Read More: Jay Cutler, Who Once Addressed Steroid Rumors Surrounding Dwayne Johnson, Narrates His First Encounter With $800 Million Worth WWE Superstar Turned Actor 

He wrote, You have to make sure you don’t use any momentum to lift your legs up and the torso stays still – if there is any swinging you aren’t going to isolate your abs properly.” However, crunches follow a different strategy, by keeping a very short range of motion, which simply means that the tension remains on the upper abs for an entire set. Jay Cutler goes for an extra 15 to 20 repetitions to obtain some extra tension. Cutler added along the same lines, “Again, don’t use any momentum – keep the tension on the abs and remember to breathe out as you squeeze at the top!” Finally, the bodybuilder delves into kneeling cable crunches that also help in building shredded abs.

Jay Cutler talks about kneeling cable crunches 

Usage of resistance is a great exercise for abs, as abs are also a muscle like any other, which points to the fact that abs require overload at some point. According to Cutler, “Kneeling cable crunches is a great way to work the whole ab region, giving a stretch and the chance to get that contraction as well – you can gradually build the weight.”


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Hence, he concludes his fitness tip by stating that once a person is lean enough and has achieved a shredded physique, they are free to work out and train their abs one to two times a week. What exercise do you prefer for training your abs? Do comment below.

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