
Bodybuilding is a challenging sport that demands meticulous attention to various aspects, with diet playing a crucial role. However, the four-time Mr. Olympia champion has come up with eye-opening advice. Recently, renowned bodybuilder, Jay Cutler shed light on the intricacies of carbohydrate consumption in his newsletter.

Jay Cutler recently made headlines when he emphasized the importance of consuming carbohydrates judiciously. However, he highlighted the potential pitfalls of excessive carbohydrate intake.

Jay Cutler spills the beans on the secret of consuming carbs


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In the context of bodybuilding, carbohydrates play a vital role in fueling intense workouts. In the latest edition of his newsletter, Jaymail, Cutler acknowledged the common practice of carbohydrate loading among bodybuilders. Former Mr. Olypmia revealed a ‘critical‘ secret: he mentioned that his carbohydrate loading involves strategically increasing carbohydrate intake.

To strike a balance between optimal carbohydrate consumption and minimizing inflammation, Cutler shared his personal experience and approach. “Every 4-5 days, I like to hit a high carb day,” he wrote in the newsletter.

Read More: ‘Pro Creator’ Bodybuilding Coach Who Turned Icons Jay Cutler and Phil Heath Into Champions, Revealed the Biggest Mistake Fitness Freaks Commit Leading To “Sh**y Sloppy Reps”

However, he emphasized the importance of choosing natural carbohydrate sources rather than resorting to junk food options. Cutler pointed out that excessive carbohydrate consumption, particularly from unhealthy sources, can lead to inflammation, which is counterproductive to the goals of a bodybuilder. “This is not a big binge day, on a ton of junk, because that creates a s*** load of inflammation,” he mentioned in his newsletter. However, he consistently addresses common concerns among bodybuilders in his newsletter.


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Cutler addresses crucial issues related to bodybuilding through his newsletter

In one of his insightful discussions, he shed light on the problem of gastric issues that often accompany heavy diets. Cutler offered valuable tips on how to avoid such issues. He said that bodybuilders often adhere to rigorous dietary plans that involve consuming substantial amounts of food to meet their high energy demands. “We talk a lot about fat loss and fasted cardio, but what a lot of people don’t appreciate is how good it is for digestive health,” the athlete stated.


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Cutler addresses the issue of gastric discomfort by recommending a strategic approach to meal timing, particularly before bedtime. Overall, Jay Cutler’s newsletter serves as a valuable resource for addressing common concerns among bodybuilders. Jay Cutler’s insights into the complexities of diet consumption in bodybuilding shed light on the need for a balanced approach to fueling workouts.

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