
Bodybuilding legend Larry Scott etched his name in the annals of bodybuilding history after winning the first Mr. Olympia title. However, the famous bodybuilder was far more than just the first Mr. Olympia. Scott has also achieved many firsts in the world of bodybuilding. The two-time Mr. Olympia did everything from winning titles to creating still-unbroken records and even had exercises named after him.

Despite having a short career, Larry Scott achieved more than most bodybuilders do in decades. The highlight of Scott’s career was winning the first Mr. Olympia and defending it the following year. However, he also won every prestigious bodybuilding title by the time he turned 26. In fact, Larry Scott even tried to make a comeback over a decade after his retirement. But what really makes Scott special?

Why Larry Scott is more than a Mr. Olympia champion


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After the Silver Era ended, bodybuilding entered a new dimension. The bodybuilders in the 60s became muscular and conditioned while retaining the supreme aesthetics of the era that came before. Larry Scott was the first champion who paved the way for what was to come. The Golden Boy boasted of incredible genetics, especially his arms.

Larry Scott became the first pro bodybuilder to boast over 20-inch biceps. Besides winning the Olympia consecutively, the Idaho native also became the first man to win the triple crown. Joe Weider started the Mr. Olympia contest to make it the biggest title in bodybuilding. However, before the Olympia, the AAU Mr. America and NABBA Mr. Universe were the most prestigious.

Larry Scott won the Mr. America title in 1962 and the Mr. Universe title in 1964. With his Olympia victory in 1965, Scott became the first man to win the three major titles of his era. The two-time champion is also the only man who never lost the Superbowl of Bodybuilding. Every other champion, including eight-time champion Ronnie Coleman, has lost the contest.

While that might give you the impression that Scott didn’t have much competition, you’d be wrong. While the first Mr.Olympia had only three competitors, Scott faced off against a rival. Harold Poole had defeated Scott at the 1963 Mr. Universe. So the 1965 Mr. Olympia was a rematch, and Scott avenged an earlier loss by winning the title. However, Scott underwent an incredible transformation to become the first Mr. Olympia. For this, he had help from another legend.

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The legendary coach behind Larry Scott

Scott trained with an equally legendary yet controversial coach, Vince Gironda. Gironda was a professional bodybuilder who sported arguably the most shredded physique of the silver era. However, he found far more success as a coach than as a bodybuilder. When Larry Scott started training under The Iron Guru, he weighed 157 lbs.

By the time Scott won his first Mr. Olympia title, he weighed 207 lbs. Scott put on nearly 50 lbs of pure muscle during his time with the Iron Guru. However, such an incredible transformation is also what made Gironda controversial. While the bodybuilding coach claimed he had competed as a natural and so had his athletes, today, many question his statement.

Besides Larry Scott, several bodybuilding legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Serge Nubret, Frank Zane, and others trained at Vince’s Gym. Several of Gironda’s students have admitted to being enhanced later in their lives. However, The Golden Boy was never accused of being enhanced despite his incredible transformation.

Scott also achieved some milestones in the bodybuilding stage under Vince Gironda. Larry Scott has not one but two exercises named after him. During his time under Vince Girnoda, the legendary coach understood that Scott’s arms would compensate while straining standard shoulder presses. So, The Iron Guru designed the Scott Press to isolate his shoulders while keeping triceps involvement in check.

The other far more popular exercise that Gironda and Scott invented became the Scott Curl. However, today, most people know it as the Preacher Curl. While Scott and Gironda may have invented the bicep curl variation in the 60s, it’s still a staple in gyms across the world. However, despite making history on and off the bodybuilding stage, Larry Scott shocked the world by retiring at 28.


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A short-lived career and a failed comeback

Larry Scott started training at 16 and conquered the bodybuilding world by 26. Within just ten years, Gironda’s prodigy completed a record-breaking career. After defending his Mr. Oympia title in 1966, the bodybuilding champion announced his retirement. The IFBB inducted the first and undefeated Mr. Olympia into the Hall of Fame in 1999.

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However, The Golden Boy attempted to make a comeback in 1979. Although the former Mr. Olympia had a legendary career, many see the comeback as the only blemish in his stellar, record-setting competitive career. Larry Scot placed 9th at the 1979 Canada Diamond Pro Cup and didn’t place at the 1979 Vancouver Grand Prix. After the failed comeback, Scott never returned to the stage.

The bodybuilding legend died at 75 due to Alzheimers-related complications on March 8, 2014. While Scott’s life came to an end on that fateful March day, his influence in bodybuilding will remain immortal.